a day in the life of the preppy (my first pictorial attempt)


Aug 2, 2002
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my 4 friends and i set off to coney island on the 4th to see fireworks.
when we got on the train, this kid right here was blasting "rhythm is a dancer" over and over and over and over for the 35 minute W train ride to stillwell avenue.

next, i noticed that the toes on the girl across from us were excessively long. like, she could type this post with her toes. and she also kept winking at my friend dante, who winked back and mouthed 'toesy' to her.

next, we went to the beach. it was nice and relaxing.

we stayed there for a long time, until tommy started whining of severe sunstroke and insisted on getting food. we realized coney island has the following to offer: BEER, PINA COLADAS, HOT DOGS, and FRENCH FRIES. i tried to eat the french fries. it was a no go. this was what the aftermath looked like, (those are my rejected fries sitting next to luke's nasty ckicken bones)

(to be continued)
soon, a hot looking girl sat down next to luke and he was all like 'hey baby' until he realized she was drunk and cracked out. then, all of a sudden he was like 'huh? what is that chickenhead doing?'

and we looked over and she was barfing behind a bag of garbage (that is her runny stream of puke coming from the bag. she puked for about 3 minutes)

then we went to see the free freakshow. and it was boring. there was a girl that ate bugs (just crickets) a lady with a snake (a harmless ball python) and as you can see, the MC had a screwdriver sticking out of his nose.
then tommy kept whining about feeling dizzy and having sunburn so we took off to brooklyn heights instead to get food and see the fireworks there. he barfed in the bathroom (refused pics, sorry) and then we saw some fireworks

i can't believe macy's paid like 10 million dollars for those fireworks,

on the train back to my apartment, we saw a little kid with a toy gun.h e stuck it in his mouth and said "BANG.... mom i'm dead now'

and we got home... and freddy was mad we'd left him behind. he shredded all his hay toys and scattered his raisin candies all over the floor and looked disheveled from rolling around on the bed all day in front of the air conditioner.
my favorite pic here is luke being all like 'what the fuck?' at that puking girl.
she was barfing next to that game where you use a giant mallet (sp?) and hit a huge stump and the thing flies in the air and says how strong you are. so the whole time she was puking it was like SLAM.... DING!..... slam..... DING!!!! in the background.
excellent thread. excellent.

re: the masked guy -- i'd be so lucky to have that job.

re: the toes -- i knew someone that had LONGER feet. although i didn't like her much as a person, i still felt a little guilty referring to her as flipper foot, even though my college roommate (her boyfriend, at the time) did.

re: luke -- resembles STEVE-O?
who is steve-o?

also, i knew an indian kid with longer toes. but this girl was really hott and stuff but just had crazyfoot.
the_preppy said:
he'd.. scattered his raisin candies all over the floor and looked disheveled from rolling around on the bed all day in front of the air conditioner.
this sounds like my sunday. only replace the raisin candies with pretzels.

very cool thread. i like the captions much. good job.
preppy, I came to the exact same conclusion. I'm usually pretty good about finishing every book I read no matter how terrible, but man, Catch 22 might just be the boringest crapfest I've ever read.
avi, thank you for verifying this. i sort of felt like maybe i was a little down syndrome or something and was missing the 'point'. i mean, i can read ulysses and be like 'sweet!' but i am reading catch-22 going... is it over yet?
yeah I felt the same way too. getting through the first 100 pages was a huge struggle. i was all "when is it gonna get good?" but then I just said fuck it and gave up.