A detour on the way to total brilliance.


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Thats what Dead Heart is.

I've decided to forgive Nevermore, Jeff in Particular, for Dead Heart in a Dead World.

I'm looking forward to the next one, they have the opportunity to really make something brilliant, a cross between DNB and POE would just float my boat something chronic...
Yeah, the title track blows my mind too, but what the hell is beleive in nothing, narcosynthesis, thc, or any other damn track off the cd? :lol:
haha a "breather from brilliance"

yeah...DHIADW was the first nevermore cd i heard and wasnt too impressed...it was only later when i heard DNB that i was blown away

i do like engines of hate tho...
Originally posted by [_NevermorE_]
dhiadw is more ''in your face''. really heavy shit

No, it's a thicker production, which gives it that air of "Heavy", which is bullshit. I fail to see the goddamn heaviness of Seven Tongues of God, 42147, etc... on dhiad.
I's think that Dead Heart is one of Nevermore's best albums (but they're all great in their own ways). It's one my favourite album of all time, especially with tracks like "We Disintegrate" (track 2), "Evoluation 169" (track 4) "The Heart Collector" (track 6 & the utter best on the album) & so on.
I's know that for some "Dead Heart" might not have the the flow and melody as many songs on "Dreaming" or some of the sheer fucking brutality that "Politics" delievers but I's thinks "Dead Heart" is great for the simple fact that it shows a great evolution in the classic metal traditions of Power & thrash metal without going down the path of many other bands (*cough-Metalica-cough *) and either going completely soft or (Satan-forbid) Nu-metal:mad: . But "Dead Heart" proved to I that modern metal still had a brutal heart beyond the Ballad (both are things which Nevermore excell at) and if "Dead Heart" was a sign of things to come back in 2000, I's can't wait for what "Enemies" will be the harbinger of.
The Pimp NeonBlack:rock: :flame: :wave:
Dead Heart" might not have the the flow and melody as many songs on "Dreaming" or some of the sheer fucking brutality that "Politics" delievers

You got that right dude... it's got nothing on either release. There's no two ways about it.
PoE is so damn slogan-like....but it rulez...the rest of PoE has this certain flow which makes submerging in the music....seven tongues and those are heavier in their own way....comparing the heaviness of DH and PoE is like comparing candlemass and forbidden....Poe is thrash!