A Dialouge With the Stars

Originally posted by YMIR
cool some people here liki watching the night sky, know what,
I saw falling star last night!!!!!!!!!!!! that's so great, are ther emore people who saw falling stars??

Nope, it's been too cloudy in this part of the city, barely any openings. Tonight, I'm going to my cabin. It's supposed to rain tonight, but if it stops in time, I'll make sure to wander outside and look up.
Originally posted by Morgana
Anyone seen any shooting stars... I try to see but it's cloudy here. :cry:

Now...? I used to see many some years ago... My best friend and I used to go out at night and lay back on the swings close to where we lived and watch the sky. :)
Originally posted by Morgana
And really weird, while we have really hot weather here other paers of Germany still get flooded...

Yeah, it's a horrible sight. I watched some TV tonight and it brought tears to my eyes. :cry: I believe you don't really get it how terrible the situation is there by watching the reports.
Ziu, are you still ok? :)

Anyway, my mom called to tell me that tomorrow there should be good chances to see shooting stars again, so I'll keep my finger's crossed.
WTF? You stopped counting??? Well, as I said, I'll be going outside soon to check the sky but I'm almost sure I won't see one :(
At least it will be a beautiful sight anyway.
well....I'm back and as I said I did not get to see a shooting star :cry:

It was a nice experience anyway, I'm going to do it again:
I went a few minutes to the fields nearby (tried to escape the city lights but it didn't exactly work) and took my discman and a beer with me :grin:
I first laid down on a bench and later went up to lay down on a field right behind a few bushes and small trees. I had taken "Cosmic Genesis" with me btw :)
Some time later suddenly two ppl walked by and I thought they had not noticed me but one of the guys came up to me! Hehe....he was asking if I was ok :lol: Well, kinda nice, he could have beaten me up instead :o I bet he thought he had just seen the most insane person on this day :grin:
Anyway, I think I'm going to do this again maybe when the moon is not shining as bright as right now - there was too much light in the sky! ;)
in europe you can see falling stars tonight between 4.30 and 5.00!!!! I hope I will see it with all that fog and my sleepy eyes..hehe so anyone go to see this too???

go to sleep now when listening the cosmic genesis album
hopefully, if the weather cooperates, which it probably won't, I'll take a gander......not to mention the lunar eclipse tomorrow night..well, a penumbral eclipse...
yes i have, ive been to an observatory many times. im also working with a researcher and have my own independant study going to earn 12 college credits. right now my hypothesis is "Hot gas and dark matter MACHO's are causing a gravitational infall in the Coma Cluster of galaxies"

yeah, im a really big astronomy dork, always have been, this is what got me into Vintersorg in the first place, a person with the same appreciation as me, but can bueatifuly express it in music
I'm another one of those 'astronomy dorks'........if, well, when i go back to school, i plan on majoring in physics which will help me lead to Astronomy and astronomy related fields......just have to get the wheels back in motion to get back to school....
damn, I didn´t see anything with the fucking fog!!! grrrrr

QUOTE: yeah, im a really big astronomy dork, always have been, this is what got me into Vintersorg in the first place, a person with the same appreciation as me, but can bueatifuly express it in music
you said this very well, I completely agree with you...
My mom actually had given me a call yesterday evening to remind me about the happenings.......but I did not get up to check it, basically because I knew I would not see a thing...... :(