A Dialouge With the Stars

Since this is a thread with some astronomical ties....

It was released that an asteroid came quite close to hitting earth a few days ago (approximately 288,000 miles, I believe) and could have done enough damage to destroy a 'medium-sized' city....

Scientists weren't able to see it cause it was too close to the sun to see.

Makes you think, eh?
well I've attended the same course....it said "Life" on that door...but I suppose I took the wrong notes :p
I'm still pesimistic...but well these days I'm having more light :rolleyes:
hmmm for me there are two kinds of life....
life in general on this planet, which surely absolutely shit if we consider the current state of the planet and all this injustice.....
when i ponder on this life i can't help but getting pessimistic and even disgusted and misanthropic....really frustrating...considering this i think humanity somehow deserves to meet its fall,which btw will surely come in some centuries/thousands of years...somehow i'm glad we won't be here to live it.....

and the life of every person as an entity...i mean someone and its surroundings....the person and his family,his close people,his work,his lovelife etc...This can also suck considering the fact that some people really have a hard time due to financial or personal problems....but fortunately unlike the life-in-general this life is possible despite the difficulties and dark periods that everybody gets through can really be a good and a happy one....sometimes it's up to the person.....and well to a bit of luck :)
couldn't have explained it better, thanx mel!

as for me now it's 2 pessimistic life to optimistic life 5 ;)

fathervic (a constant match)
Heheh spotting an Asteroid is reaaaally difficult for anyone... cause we cannot cover all the sky with telescopes all the time... so it's not unlikely that even a greater piece of debris on collision course with Earth stays undetected until it's well... too late... :eek:
Of late I've come to think that I cannot, in any possible way, jugde a person, saying that s/he (or humanity at all) deserves either to die or to live. Or that s/he is a bad/horible/evil person. It is just plain impossible. That is what EVER the person(s) has (have) done. WHAT EVER. That does not mean that I couldn't judge an act; I believe a person should be held responible for his/her acts no matter what lies behind, but that is totally different from judging a person as a person... And I say this after reading alot about Jack the Ripper and Son of Sam... And Elisabeth Bathory... (And observing a lot of things happening aroud me... and elsewhere...)

Just a thought... since the last posts here has said a bit about life/death/how likely life is and so on....
I know of some people that would deserve death by my judgement, I think... I see there's a point in killing someone who has ended another person's life, depending on the motives he had - if he did it cold-bloded or like that I mean. And if the one does not regret. Vengeance fits well on occassions, but it has to be used carefully in man's hands....

I find myself thinking about vengeance positively, too...
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
I find myself thinking about vengeance positively, too...

So do I.....

It's just... It can be for the best that someone dies/is killed - to the person itself or others... Still I cannot judge the persons soul, so to speak... Because there's always a reason a person does what s/he does... It's not about accepting anything; it's about understanding. Some things may seem impossible to understand, but I believe that with humans minds, it is possible to understand it all, if you just go deep enough.... The question is just; do we dare...?

It sounds crazy - and maybe it is... I dont know, but it seem to me, this seems be true....

And that brings me to furter on: I don't believe demons can enter a person: I rather believe that (like with exorsism and such) those things lie inside the mind. "Spheres" of the spirit, so to speak, that most ppl are totally unaware of. I don't know very much about A. Crowley, but from what I do know, it seems to me that those "spheres" were what he found (in himself).

I don't believe that there is anything such as evil. I don't believe that anyone ever does anythinig out of "cold blood". -Well, maybe in one way; but there are so much more that lies behind; it's way more complex than that.

I think this is somthing that can scare the hell out of some... Though maybe it should not. (Or maybe it should... maybe that is why we don't know - or the other way around) If this is how it is, then it's plain natural; it's only we who have forgot about it. We've forgot about ourselves; we don't know ourselves anymore. -Well, who knows; we might have never, yet that seems a bit unlikely... Or?

Does anyone understand any of what I'm trying to say here, btw? 'Cause else, it's no point in me posting this...
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
I know of some people that would deserve death by my judgement, I think...

Then it's because of the persons actions, or...?

I think that the person should die to take responibility for what s/he had done - so you might say the person deserves to die. But that is judging the action. The person deserves to die because of those; not because of his/her mind -> The actions are juged; not the person as a person. -In my eyes, that is...

I could never jugde the person. I mean: Not anyone could just kill a person. There are "rules" of what a person is in fact able to do. S/he wouldn't be physically able to do it, because s/he is not mentally able to. And so: Imagine what can make a person able to kill another person... Or more... The most horrible things you can think of; what makes a person able to commit these things?
No worries, I get what you're saying :) I listen, and I agree with you, yet again :) But... it's something really personal I don't feel like posting, that makes me feel vengeance towards some people... it's nothing about me tho (not really about me anyway) but about someone else. I get angry if people do hurt friends of mine, humiliate them. But what can one do when those people will not see and stop doing such things?

Yes, I wondered what makes people want to kill others, cause it's wrong in my eyes. Wrong and sad that it still happens...

I understand perfectly what you want to say :) And your points are right to me... but it would seem there are always exceptions to those thoughts. Many people are not reasonable, and I do believe that there are many people that are cruel.

I DO judge a person only the actions the person takes, if I do not know the person any closer. But knowing a person better also makes it harder to judge it, or better to say to UTTER a judgement... but I would never dare to judge a persons character.
Hmmm, but, so far I have not been in a situation where I had to decide between my respect for others life and judgement of that person's acts...

It's all a tough subject, I know... and for me, it cannot be generalized, that's what seems so strange about today's law to me... that people are more likely searching to seek use the faults it has than acting upon the law restrictively....

Oh well, I'm very tired :( Need to get some badly needed sleep.
Anyway, it's been a good conversation, hope to gain some more thoughts :)
This is why understanding is crucial. If one understands why a person does what s/he does, then it may be possible to stop any new possible actions. -And if that is not possible - well then it is just too late. The persons mind is completely ruined. It doesnt really work anymore. It's dead... I think that is what happened to Jack the Ripper. It was just too late...

And, well.... there is a reason I believe as I do, to. I reason I cannot post here...
There may be exceptions, but then I think those are the smaller ones. The smaller crimes... But then again, there's a reason behind EVERY thing you do; if you forget to buy smth when you're out shopping, then it is a reason for it, that lies in your uncounciousness. Everything lies there. Everything you've ever said, done, thought, felt, seen, heard - everything. It's there, and it forms you. It makes you react in the way you do....
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
there's a reason behind EVERY thing you do; if you forget to buy smth when you're out shopping, then it is a reason for it, that lies in your uncounciousness. Everything lies there. Everything you've ever said, done, thought, felt, seen, heard - everything. It's there, and it forms you. It makes you react in the way you do....

Smart words! I just wanted to quote them,
cause I like what you wrote Fjell! :o)
But reacting is more difficult than just seeing reasons... you should always be aware of the effects of your actions as well... I don't think that most of the "criminals" think about that much at all, what their actions might cause... nor do most other people I can say I know... and that's too bad.

When I would feel like killing someone in vengeance for a murder that person commited, for example, I will have to deal with the consequences of that, too, wouldn't I? And not only the consequences on me, but also on the others family, etc...

It's very difficult to justify interference with another persons life in the way you say you "kill the person"... but also everyone has to stand in for his/her actions. But seeing an action in bare facts is not always right it would seem, I cannot imagine seeing upon a situation as a fact only, there's also the moral side...

Ummmm, anyone understands what I mean? :( Cannot express that very well, I fear...