A Dream I Had Featuring Alex itt


Jul 14, 2004
Alex was sitting in the chair of a very European barber shop, skimming through an Islamic nudie mag. The barber, an unsettling dream freak who moved around like a Steamboat Willie character, organized hair potions and other archaic shit in cloudy glass bottles on shelf while a machine lathered up shaving cream. Dreary organ music was coming from a radio in the corner. After he had finished futzing with bottles, the barber waddled back to patient xfer and briskly shaved him. Sort of interestingly, once the actual haircut commenced, I was in control of it though I was actually detached from the scene.

After Finishing only half the haircut, the barber claimed that he was done and demanded that Alex pay. (He only protested half heartedly before saying "oh okay" and forking over a big wad of bills.) The next thing I remember is our creepy coiffeur clutching Alex's shirt and urging him to hurry and escape through the back door, which was made of big rotted out planks. It led through dark and cramped gothic torch lit passageways with trap doors and hairpin turns. By the time he had reached the end of the labyrinth, Alex had become a dwarf with a strapped on mouse nose and whiskers. He had apparently come to his dwelling, (a rocky aperture in the facade of a cliff, overlooking a twisted landscape, (think the cover of Suffocation's Souls to Deny only canopied in trees,)) which he shared with a big black cyclops.

At this point my recall gets a little fuzzy, but for a long time, xfer and the cyclops went on a bunch of dangerous adventures and survived some precarious domestic disputes.

The last thing I do remember is that upon returning home at night, Alex Dwarfmouse found the clops cowering under a tiny armchair, pointing outside at an oversized flying skiff in the distance, illuminated occasionally by flashes of lightning. Xfer became flushed with determination and stuff and ran out to his car, driving it over highways and eventually crashing it into a ditch. Water from a drainage pipe filled the car up and sank it as (dream picture-in-picture) he ran across a field to meet the boat. He cried curses at it emphatically which angered it and caused it to reply with warning thundercracks, eventually becoming infuriated enough to strike him dead with a lightning bolt.

In the last scene, the cyclops, which now resembled Mia, cradled limp xfermouse in its arms and said, "Who will ever love poor Alex?! Who will give him a home?!"

Also, happy belated b-day big guy. :goggly:
He had apparently come to his dwelling, (a rocky aperture in the facade of a cliff, overlooking a twisted landscape,

great description of my nyc apartment actually!

although i've never owned a car, sounds about right for my weekend.