A drug...

I keep grooving around all 5 albums in order of release...what more could a girl want! Tis MAGNIFICENT music for the soul!
Something weird has been happening to my listening choice lately. I've been playing music other than Opeth. :eek: That's not like me. :p I've played some DT's Live at The Marquee and Tool's Ænima, which just came out this morning and was traded for Morningrise. I think my Blackwater Park copy is floating around under the passenger seat. I recall a clanking sound during a sharp left turn at some point recently and when I looked to see what it was...the seat was empty. :err: I've been in a blur for the last few days so I still haven't saved it. I'm afraid of what else might be lurking under there. :loco:

How nutty does this sound? I was listening to Tool like I said, and I used to all the time. I really liked Tool long before I found Opeth, BUT this time around I heard things that I didn't before. I understood the messages in the songs more. I heard with more detail what the band was doing with the music better than I ever did. I even liked the music more in general than before!

Is it because: 1) I haven't been listening to them that much, and it just sounded really good to hear again? OR 2) Listening to Opeth has made me more perceptive to music. <--That's what I'm thinking.

At the beginning of Third Eye I noticed I was appreciating it more than I ever had. "...and we're just a figment of our own imaginations." :loco:

Music IS a drug. I used it as one in my dream last night. :D Yeah, I had a dream last night that I was getting dental surgery and they let me use headphones while they did it. Blackwater Park's, Funeral Portrait was the choice tune. :cool:


"Grinning wide and comforting me with its three warm and wild eyes."
Is it because: 1) I haven't been listening to them that much, and it just sounded really good to hear again? OR 2) Listening to Opeth has made me more perceptive to music. <--That's what I'm thinking.

im a massive Tool fan too:) , and i think your not alone, ive really started appreciating Tool more, which is demonstrated by my wierd ''Tool'' dance where i go crazy when the music takes over me. i only started doing that after heaing opeth for some reason.:confused: i think the good thing about tool and opeth is that like a well drawn descriptive picture in your room, after years of it being there you eventually sort of decript it and see it in a different light. for example, i have a massive Bus stop size Smashing pumpkins poster in my room for about 10 months now, and only a few days ago i noticed something in the picture in the background i failed to see before, wierd huh.

well in conclusion i think im saying opeth is a well drawn masterpiece of a picture :lol:
Music is definately my drug of choice....

Although that scorpion bowl for one while I'm waiting for my chinese food works pretty well too
Wow, I knew that many people liked Tool. As much as they are getting more popular now, there are still the real fans who appreciate the music and its complexity. I have listened to them long before I discovered Opeth, but I have really started appreciating them more lately. I also think, like Opet, that from listening to Opeth I have developed a greater appreciation for them. _Transparent_, it's funny that you mentioned your weird "Tool" dance. I used to just listen to their music and not really "get into it" that much, but recently when I listen to their music I totally block out everything else and "feel" the music more and have weird body movements and move in a sort of rocking motion. :loco: Anyway, I just think it's really cool that there are true Tool fans on this board. You people rock! :p
i've been thinking about this for the past week. it's
like when i show someone a new track, or cd
for that matter, its like i'm saying: hey get
into this. some sort of seduction
to the unknown. "try this"
just like the fucker that
offered you pot
for the 1st

Oyo, I totally agree with you about Tool being thrown into the numetal scene. I meant to say that in my original post. It pisses me off when I see kids at school wearing, like you said, a Limp Bizkit shirt one day and a Tool shirt the next day. Oh well...

nogs00, I do the same thing. I will just subconsciously play mp3s on my computer of good bands that I like while my friend is here, and he'll ask about them and stuff. I will also have cds around my room, and he will pick them up. He has started listening to lots of stuff I like just by hearing it at my house. It's weird because really a part of me is like do I even wanna let him in on this great music. It's like a secret that I don't want to tell...hehe
Originally posted by _Transparent_
im a massive Tool fan too:) , and i think your not alone, ive really started appreciating Tool more, which is demonstrated by my wierd ''Tool'' dance where i go crazy when the music takes over me. i only started doing that after heaing opeth for some reason.:confused: i think the good thing about tool and opeth is that like a well drawn descriptive picture in your room, after years of it being there you eventually sort of decript it and see it in a different light. for example, i have a massive Bus stop size Smashing pumpkins poster in my room for about 10 months now, and only a few days ago i noticed something in the picture in the background i failed to see before, wierd huh.
well in conclusion i think im saying opeth is a well drawn masterpiece of a picture :lol:

Ha, seeing I hope I'm going to the concert now I'll look out for sum1 doing a dodgy dance and shout "Transparent" :p I like Tool 2 :) They rock! I don't quite know what it is about them that makes them addictive tho :s
Ha, seeing I hope I'm going to the concert now I'll look out for sum1 doing a dodgy dance and shout "Transparent" I like Tool 2 They rock! I don't quite know what it is about them that makes them addictive tho

he he, you better come because then there will be 2 people i've spoken to on the net that have been to a concert i've been too without knowing at the time.
and I'll make a total fool of myself by shouting transparent a lot

and i'll make a bigger fool of myself by jumping on the stage and shouting god is an athiest:) , but if the crowd is small for katatonia (which i hope isn't) then you may see me doing the Waynes World, we're not worthy begging:p