Band names sound funny?

yeah though the funniest band name i ever heard was probably Siebenburgen... i dunno what that is, but it sounds delicious! heh

Actually it is an ancient area of Transylvania that was inhabited by vampires or something. Great band though! A pretty funny band name is Bumblefoot :lol: ;) :p
Originally posted by Morningrise

A pretty funny band name is Bumblefoot :lol: ;) :p

Bumblefoot - Veterinary Medicine. 1. a dietary or trauma-based disease of adult birds that is often caused by Staphylococcus aureus and manifested by abscess formation on the soft portions of the foot and consequent lameness.a dietary or trauma-based disease of adult birds that is often caused by Staphylococcus aureus and manifested by abscess formation on the soft portions of the foot and consequent lameness. 2. a foot abscess occurring in sheep.a foot abscess occurring in sheep.

Why would any band want to call themselves a foot disease? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oops...well, there's Korn :p
Yes, Einherjer, and so does Ulver:

Einherjer: The best of warriors are deceitfully killed in battle because Oden needs them in the army he garthers for Ragnarok (that is 'the ruling powers, the gods detruction/fall'). -> Oden helps the weakest kill the strongest so that he can have them himself. When they die, and are welcomed into this great army, they are called einherjer.

Ulver: wolfs

Autopsy is a silly name, btw :p (the word doesn't sound silly, just as a name)
Hmmm funny band name: Ugly Kid Joe :loco:

@The_Wanderer: I would know how to spell Agathodaimon (in greek at least), I'm just sorry I can't explain it :cry: