A Fair Judgement is The Drapery Falls of Deliverance


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I think that A Fair Judgement is Deliverance's let loose song. Alot of blues style soloing, just laid back kind of thing that skips between mellow and orgyfying lead. I also noted its the only Opeth 'heavy' song with no growls.
I didn't mean that it was similar to Drapery Falls in many respects. I just felt that it was the 'odd one out' in a way... or at least I felt so, I think its the song that stands out the most, just like I felt The Drapery Falls stood out on BWP.
I love this song ssooooo much! beautifull....especially at around 4:30 minutes....that part is so beautiful.
Brilliant song....i didnt like the outro at first...but love it now.!