A few more suggestions...

Folk metal = folk + metal

They make use of folkish melodies and lyrical content, which are the qualifications for folk metal.

And yes, I am as big of a genre Nazi as I sound.

I say we agree to disagree otherwise this thread wont ever get anywhere.
I guess I have to quote myself:

It's right there on the band's official website. Argument solved.

Okay well Def Leppard are considered by many to Hair Metal/Hard Rock, but I believe in an interview Joe Elliot said they were Pop Rock. Tool also classified by many to be metal, but I have read an interview with Maynard that says he doesnt want to be in the metal genre because metal is for pirates or something to that affect.

I also never stated that they werent a folk band, I was just saying they other elements mixed in as well. Guess I will have to quote myself too:

They have both have stoner, melodic, doomy kind of hints to them and then Tyr adds in just a pinch of folk.

So no matter what one person claims a band's genre is another may claim it to be something different. Argument closed.
I agree. The whole genre thing really makes no difference to me.
If I like it, I like it.

The only thing that REALLY bothers me is how labels like Victory and Trustkill market their bands as metal because it is the current trend. I dare you to pick up a release by one of the bands on those labels where the sticker does not say ,"For fans of Pantera, Slayer, In Flames" etc...
Guess I will have to quote myself too:

So no matter what one person claims a band's genre is another may claim it to be something different. Argument closed.

Stoner? Doom? Sometimes I wonder if we're talking about the same band, here.

You are grasping at straws with your argument. This isn't Def Leppard. This is something vastly different than Def Leppard. You can, of course, claim Tyr is whatever genre you want to call them, but I believe the band would know better than you what genre they fall into. Especially if they are INTENTIONALLY incorporating Faroese folk elements into their metal.