A few questions about guitars...


Haha Fuck You
Jul 5, 2002
Adelaide, Australia
There was this Fender with Traditional or Classic or some such shit writen on it in a pawnbroker and it looked banged up... all for AU$185... cheap, I could probably find one cheaper, but eh, it was a Fender, and they made the first electric guitar or something... and it had a whammy bar and I always wanted one of them... had a nice bit of rust in a little sliding thing...

Hows that sound for AU$185? Personally I'd say poo, but I have a bit of money and I want a cheap guitar with a whammy bar... or tremmelo... or vibrato or whatever... (note my ignorance, well, at least I'm not a try-hard....)

Also, I have a cheap ass Peavy 50 watt Bass Amp... whats plugging an electric into a bass amp sound like? Probably not in the same range and all... but I just can't be fucked buying an amp for an electric...

And remember, I only want a guitar to mess around on, so please nobody should tell me to go buy a Jackson or an Ibanez or some such guitar because I will do that when (if) I find some talent... heh...

Thanks for help in advance...
If you only want it to mess around it should be fine.... but don't expect to use the tremolo bar and have it stay in tune...

I play some of my guitars through one of my bass practice amps, and it works just fine... throw the a MT-2 Metal Zone in the signal path, and it's great and chunky.

It's okay to play a guitar through a bass amp, but not really the other way around... Kinda really depends on what the particular amp is, but that's a good general rule of thumb.

If you're mostly into death and metal, you might want to consider a different guitar, if it's only got single coils, it won't do distorted very well, and it will be noisy and feed back if you have too much gain going on.