Good, but REALLY cheap guitars?


Haha Fuck You
Jul 5, 2002
Adelaide, Australia
I am not forking out heaps of money for my first guitar.

But I don't want to buy a piece of crap cheap ass one that sounds poo.

I want nice metal crunchy and harsh tone.

There was this beginers guitar in this store, really cheap, with a cheap amp, and I ask the guy to crank it up and it sounded not harsh at all.

So any good cheap guitars with a nice metal tone.... or amps as well... I suppose that has something to do with it...

Also, there is a second hand Jackson PS-4 for AU$550 that I can buy if I choose. Is that a goodun? I have never heard of it spoken before here...

I have a shitty Peavey 20 Watt Bass Amp... how would that sound with that Jackson going through it?

Basically, I just need help to spend crap all money.

Well generally speaking, you're not going to coax a good metal tone from any guitar in that price range unless you replace the pickups. Jackson stockers are usually pretty hot, but I didn't like the ones that came in my RR3. Those were untight in the lower register, which creates a muddy sound with palm-muted riffs. As for replacement pickups, I love EMG's. They have a solid output and an unbelievable tightness all over the spectrum. And yes, with a crappy amp, you'll also need a good stomp box.

Most Jacksons are pretty good from what I've seen. I can't comment much on Ibanez, but I personally haven't liked those I played. It's a "feel" thing.

Regardless of brand and especially in the case of a used guitar, always check for abnormalities: Off center necks (does the low E string have more fretboard space under it than the high E?), cracks in neck, body and headstock (some try to cover these up before a sale), rust on the bridge, does it come with all parts such as the tremolo arm and back plates, do the frets look worn, etc... Play it in the shop and listen to its clean sound. Does it buzz a lot? Some guitars I played in shops (even some Gibsons) would sound like a damn sitar. =P Is it in tune? If so, strike a chord, do a whammy dive until the strings are flapping and release it back up. Strike the chord again. Still in tune? No?

If they tell you that off-center necks, string buzz, etc is a setup issue, ask them if they'll fix these things for free before you buy it. If not, what would it cost? If they have to redress or level the frets, it could become really expensive pretty fast.
Originally posted by Metal is Religion
I have an Ibanez RG-120. its pretty good. its pretty versitile, i can play pretty much anything on it and it sounds good. It cost me $200, just to let you know, Ibanez isnt total shit

Is that the retail price then? And where did you get that?
As for cheaper guitars i would recomend getting a used Krammer guitar from Ebay, ebay is always your best beat for good prices! i GOT A Neck thru custom 7 string 25 fret Warlock with Dimarzio's for 800$ when the retail is at least 2000$ so look in ebay! As for brands stay away from Fender Squires, or Cheap Jacksons or Ibanez!
I can also recomend Gibson's Epiphone series.They are relativly cheap ($600 Australian).I have an Epiphone SG which i still use live.Still has the stock pick ups which sound pretty brutal through a decent amp and distortion unit.But i will up grade to emg's as they are the bomb.I used to have a Jackson Concept which was quite afforadable and a decent guitar.The Jackson was actually my first guitar which i got with a case for around $900 Australian.The Kramer was another god mention.One of my friends has one and it's pretty decent.Has a body like an Ibanez S series but with a good solid,thick neck which i like.As for an amp,I'd recommend a Crate or a Peavey.Both brands have good affordable practice amps and a Boss Metal zone.A must for any Metal begginer.
my first guitar was an Yamaha Pacifica 112 really good thing for about 200Euros (about 200$US, I don't know about Australlian $s). You can play everything with it.
I still use it though I own a BC Rich Warlock NJ now.