A good, cheap metal amp?

If you don't mind going digital, then Line 6 make some fantastic inexpensive amps. I know a lot of people don't think they're very tr00 or whatnot, but fuck that, try one out for yourself. I really like the sound and feel that they give. The Vetta and Spider models are good for most metal needs, plus they're fantastic for home computer recording and are very well integrated with any effects, particularly digital.

Peavey amps are alright, but they've always sounded a little tinny to me, and I've never known them to be terribly responsive.
MetalBanger said:
Hi, can someone give me advise for a good and cheap metal amp?
I was interested in Peavy Bandit 112 for 300€, is it a good one?
I also found an interesting Head + Cabinet from Laney
I don't know much about it, so, i hope someone does here..

i am myself thinking of buying a Peavey Triple XXX 40Watt EFX. Its an all tube amp supposed to be great for metal and the cleams are ok. The price is down from like $1900 or something to $500 on musiciansfriend.com, check it out.

as for the Laney, im not sure cuz i havent read any reviews but for the price it seems good. Remember that its not tube though, def take that into account before you buy.

and if u dont know already, www.harmony-central.com is a great site for unbiased first-hand user reviews
lord_samius said:
If you don't mind going digital, then Line 6 make some fantastic inexpensive amps. I know a lot of people don't think they're very tr00 or whatnot, but fuck that, try one out for yourself. I really like the sound and feel that they give. The Vetta and Spider models are good for most metal needs, plus they're fantastic for home computer recording and are very well integrated with any effects, particularly digital.

Peavey amps are alright, but they've always sounded a little tinny to me, and I've never known them to be terribly responsive.

Line 6 is good for the price, I prefer the Flextone II HD, for what you'll pay for one they have a really good sound. They're digital, but do a very good job of emulating tubes, and theyre pretty cheap.
i use a $500 doolar crate half stack, its pretty fuzzy but i love it, the line 6's sound great but i never used it really loud. try the crate out, i use with my band and its great.


thse recordings are before i got the crate but still checkout my band