JCM 2000 TSL, a good metal amp?

Originally posted by xenophobe
JCM 800's are different beasts altogether... Most of them are hand point to point wired...

All the new stuff, post 86 I believe, is pretty much cookie-cutter PC boards...

And a tube amp that uses diode distortion? Ugh... what are the tubes even for then??

hrm, there you go, boogie rectifier for you. most tube amps use diode distortion now, for the higher more significant gain. maybe it's for people who don't want to crank their amps, yet get a good distortion.
MArshalls since the JCM900 series are really not all that great.

Just save up some more money, and find a used VHT ultralead or Bogner Uberschall.

BELIEVE ME..it's worth the extra money!
Originally posted by chaoticmanifesto
hrm, there you go, boogie rectifier for you. most tube amps use diode distortion now, for the higher more significant gain. maybe it's for people who don't want to crank their amps, yet get a good distortion.

The new Rectifiers are selectable... at least they give you the option of selecting tube overdrive/distortion or diode distortion.

Marshall does not give you the option.