A few random questions...


Feb 15, 2002
Malden, MA
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1) What's Chuck Billy say at the beginning of Trial By Fire before the main riff starts?

2) Same thing, what's Chuck Billy say in Demonic Refusal when the main riff starts, I can hear him growl something.

3) Did the band ever talk about why the song tempos are so much slower on First Strike Still Deadly? Did they just come out like that or was it intentional? In some cases the slower tempos work better like in The Preacher, a lot of the songs like Into The Pit, Over The Wall, Burnt Offerings, and First Strike really don't sound too slow, but Disciples of The Watch is played way to slow on that, as well as the New Order, the Haunting and Alone in The Dark.
Ad. 1) I think he says "check"
Ad. 2) I can't make this one out- it might be just a random, illiterate growl
Ad. 3) I've never heard their opinions on this, but I think that rerecording those tracks note for not and at the same pace as the originals just with a better production would have been pointless. The band used their experience of playing these songs live ove the years and provided the fans with new approaches to each song, which resulted in different versions of the old- not just better produced.

As for the hidden and weird voices on their tracks, there are more I'd like to know more about:
- if you listen to the intro to "Eerie Innhabitans" you can hear some people rushing one another or something
- there's obviously "P.C" with Chuck talkinging about a battle at 3 in the morning or something- I can't figure this one out entirely too. Sounds like some drunk talk at a party that was recorded deliberately or not.
- there's First Strike Is Deadly. Where is this conversation from? Some movie or what?
- Urotsukidoji- with James and Eric talking in various languages
- "As The Seasons Grey" with something that I think was taken from TV or radio news. I can't hear what exactly is being said, though.
Those came to my mind at the moment. I'm sure there are some I left out. Anyone knows something about the origin of those?
1. I agree with HPOE, he says shhh-check
2. Again agree with HPOE
3. I think that in some interview I read that the intention was to record old songs with The Gathering production. I don`t know if it was intentional to slow down some of them....

About that P.C., HPOE they could be drunk but they are definitly stoned as hell... Listen to beginning of the song, now compare that sound with the sound you make when you light a joint... :Smokin: In addition to battle at 3 in the morning is: I fucking had burger man, shit, man....

There are few others, like the begining of Practise what you preach on Fillmore when the guy from the crowd shouts: I want some fucking headbang!! Thats way to good... :Spin:
About that P.C., HPOE they could be drunk but they are definitly stoned as hell... Listen to beginning of the song, now compare that sound with the sound you make when you light a joint...
You're definitely right here, Disciple. A similar sound can be heard at the beginning of "So Many Lies".