a french forum about OL

Ko_B said:
The french foum is now also linked at the OL's web site, check the comunity section :)

thanks a lot Kobi !!! I hope the fans will enjoy it !!! and if you have any suggests about it ..... do it !!! Come to visit us ! :rock: :rock:

bien sûr les Québéquois sont admis, manquerai plus que ça qu'ils ne soient pas admis (rires ) :wave: :wave:
Bonjour Ollo Son, je suis desolee que je n'etait pas sur le forum francais depuis quelques semaines. Demain je depart pour Israel pour y passer mes vacances (5/6 semaines) Peut etre je peut ecrire uelques mots pendant mes vacances.

Salutations de Nathalie

Translation: ( wel. sort of)

I am sorry not to have been spending time on the french ( and international/ hebrew) forum of late. I m going on a vacation to Israel tomorrow and it took a lot of time to take care of business before I could actually leave.
I hope 2 be able 2 write a few woords now and then during my holiday.

THank u

I hope to receive some news during the time you'll spend in Israel !!!
Say hello to OL members and all orphans for me !!!!

Spend a good time in Orphaned Land

Your friend Olivier
Congratulations Ollo-San!!! :rock: It's great to see people like you that love OL so much!!! Only if i knew how to write in french...but that's ok, i'm 100% by your side and supporter of your forum!!! :worship: