Personally, I like the names "Erik" or "Lucas" for boys. "Erik" with the "k" lets you be slightly distinctive but not in a way that will embarrass the kid. Plus, you have figures in Scandinavian history bearing that name. "Lucas" is another good one in my mind. It's not so common your child is likely to have another "Lucas" in his class, but it's still known enough that hopefully he won't be made fun of.
For a girl, PLEASE for the love of God don't name your kid something that ends in the "ie" sound. It makes your girl sound like a flake in my opinion, even if she's nothing of the kind. One name I do like is "Grace", but if you name her this, consider whether or not athletic talent runs in your family or she'll be made fun of if she turns out NOT to be graceful. "Rose" is another one I like...yes, I'm a bit old-fashioned with my choices, but in some ways certain older names let your child stand out without having a really awful name.