I'm just gonna post various responses, since I'm too lazy to press the quote button over and over again. And some of these really get my brain working.
@ Mind Creator: Adagio seems just a bit pushing it to me. Aria is a nice girl name though.
@ Yngvai: That gives me one more reason to add onto the funny list for me to start watching CNN. But it is a badass name.
@ Thraxz: Genious.
@ DDay Zack: I'm already doing that.
@ Poisonseed: Odysseus would be an awesome way to pay homage to the hero who devised the Trojan Horse, and spent 20 years away from all he ever knew.
@ Kronikle: Cyrus... Haven't thought about that name since my last time playing Chrono Trigger. Ooh! More Ideas! Good boy's name: Frog. Exactly.
2 great boy names, I think are Michael and Romeo.

Aww. BBall already stole half of the joke.
Name your kid after a God or Godess or something. For example, some good boy's names could be Anubis, Thor, or even PTAH!!