Wedding - would you keep your name?

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi dudes :)

It´s not that hasty. I´m engaged, but we don´t wanna marry tomorrow :)

I surely have this kind of thoughts. The case is the following:
I have brother and sister, but my girlfriend has no siblings to carry her name further. Because I´m not a macho, who insists on my "right", I have this considerations. In addition is the fact, that I really like my girlfriend´s name a lot. My last name would not sound as good in combination with her first name.´s also important for me, how my name SOUNDS. The name would be "Engelhardt". Engelhardt or Neumann..hmmm Felix Engelhardt. It sounds really good for me.

She don´t asked me it so far, but this could be soon up to date.

How would you decide?
I would just talk to her and find out what she wants. If neither of you care which name gets used I'd just roll a dice haha. If both insist on keeping their name... well then you've got some arguing to do :) Or challenge her on a drinking duel! And if one insists but the other doesn't care... well I guess that automatically solves the situation but agree on making some kind of imaginary "score board" so that you can keep track of how many times you/her has been kind and let you/her decide, so that the person can be reminded when it's time for another decision in life... it shouldn't always be one who decides. Ideally it should be both, every single time, but since that won't happen for everybody, some kind of "turn" system might work :p

For what it's worth, I think both Felix Neumann and Felix Engelhardt sounds good! They're both kinda "glorious", while Neumann is more intellectual, Engelhardt is a bit more valorous and royal. It certainly is better than Erkan Dogantimur dude, be happy your name is not like mine! :D

I think it'll work just fine no matter what name you pick/get :)
I'm not sure what the customs are in Germany, but I know that here in Australia after my wife and I were married, based on traditions, she can legally write either of our last names. Given that she already has government issued documents with her maiden name on them, ex: passport, drivers license, etc... It would cost too much money right now for us to get everything re-issued with my last name printed instead. I think it all comes down to money regarding who gets what name. It isn't uncommon for both people to change their last name, as far as I know.
Felix Neumann-Engelhardt or
Felix Engelhardt-Neumann
If you have the cash and its worth it to you, I say do whatever makes you both happy because that is what really matters in the end.
When my wife and I got married - she really wanted to keep her name as her family is mainly girls, where as mine has plenty of boys to carry on our name. The easiest thing we did was for her to hyphenate both our last names. This lets her go by either her madien name, use only my last name - or use both in the hyphenated form. She kind of enjoys having so many options when it comes to identity.
my wife just did the hyphenated name thingy ... she has no siblings, in fact her only family is her mother and grandpa so she didn't want to just discard her name. But you shouldn't give up your name either unless you have some kind of really bad connection to it. If you're getting married, you're gonna be compromising on a lot of shit from now on so get started now ... both of you hyphenate your names ;)
Modern times... :)

If I would ever get married (lol what?) then I would probably take her name because mine sucks haha :D Otherwise I don't really care at all about names... some people feel very strongly about names, but face it, it's just a name. A dog doesn't give a shit if you call it "dog" or "jason", so why should I... I'm no better than a dog :) I'm such a daaaawG!
also Felix Engelhardt klingt n bisschen nach Pornostar oder Schlagersänger :D



For what it's worth, I think both Felix Neumann and Felix Engelhardt sounds good! They're both kinda "glorious", while Neumann is more intellectual, Engelhardt is a bit more valorous and royal. It certainly is better than Erkan Dogantimur dude, be happy your name is not like mine!

I think it'll work just fine no matter what name you pick/get
Today 11:15 AM

Thanks, dude :) I think Erkan Dogantimur is pretty exotic...also like this name. It´s not that bad how you think!

you can both keep your own names... no need to change them at all.

W..what ? Is that fact ? But you know, I don´t wanna be called Felix Engelhardt Neumann..that´s too much :)
This is really about what you're going to name your children, right? So her family name can be carried on?
You don't have to change your name in order to name your children after her.