Your Studio Name: Where does it come from and how did you think of it?


Santa Hat Forever
Just for fun, lets all mention how we came up with the name for our studio and how we thought about it.

My (in construction process) studio will be called "Lights Out" because my last name means Lights in spanish and my father always liked to call himself John Lights when dealing with english speakers (his real name is Juan Luces) so I kinda stuck with it here on the forum and I think it sounds cool for a studio, I didn't want to have a brootl name and have nonbrutal bands feeling reluctant thinking I would specialize on brutal shit. Oh and Antimatter has a brilliant album called like that
Inheritance studio

Dunno why, I like names beginning by "in", I like the word inherit, I like the meaning, and it started being my personal project "Inherit" so it was logical :)
Constantine Studios - my name is Jason Constantine, not really my name but I adopted the name based on the the movie Constantine. For me that movie is all about 2nd chances this is my 2nd time around in the music biz being a producer seemed fitting. I hate my real fucking name ... its so fucking
As soon as I started (not long ago) to record and mix bands for dough and see their abilities (cut here, slip there...), I realized that sadly, I am some sort of a sound surgeon, patching up and fixing a lot of the time.
Hence the name Sonic Incision. :)
I hate my real fucking name ... its so fucking

Silvergoldgreensteinberg? :p

for me:

Dirty Viking Audio Production

Not really a "studio" but I'm mostly set up for editing / mixing and my own musician services. Bass / guitars / keyboards.

Skinny Viking is a name that got thrown on me years and years and years ago. A while ago a buddy of mine asked what I was gonna call my place and he wanted to say "Skinny Viking" but said "Dirty Viking" instead. That just seemed too funny so I decided to use that for the "studio" name. I originally wanted "Digital Viking" but it was taken
übersound studios because its fun to hear native english speakers say the word "über" ;-)=
Wrote a song titled Tainted Blood Circulation ( - Tainted blood circulation.mp3 ) back in the day and it kinda stuck to me, so I picked my company's name from that. AFAIK there isn't another one named that (the closest being Tainted Blue Studios), so I'm sticking with it.

Constantine Studios - my name is Jason Constantine, not really my name but I adopted the name based on the the movie Constantine. For me that movie is all about 2nd chances this is my 2nd time around in the music biz being a producer seemed fitting. I hate my real fucking name ... its so fucking

There's a Finnish... uh, artist, who also adopted Constantine as his last name...


Maybe I should get rid of my shirt, too, and change my name to Jackson Terminator2JudgementDay.
Spectre was the name of my Warbirds squadron. I flew in that game from 1996-2002 or so. The squad leader got the name from his day job, which was gunner on an AC-130 Spectre Gunship. Which is one of these:

When I finished the projects that are going on right now I'll finish setting up a production page and its gonna be Harpia Productions (from my band Harpia Deiis).
Wanted some other stuff, but everything's been taken unfortunately.
Also not a studio since I don't have anything that could be decribed as "live room" lol
Well "Forester Recording Studio" comes from "Forst" which is my family name and means forest in english (farmed forest, precisely).
Forest sounded too black-metal-ish so I looked for a different but similar word and forester was pretty funny, imho.
And the word "recording" is in there because there are tons of company named "studio" .. photo-studios, movie-studios etc. are often named "studio" and I wanted to make clear what I'm doing.
I was really into the original starcraft and loved using Lurkers. So I named my stuff "The Lurker Aspect Studio" after the evolution you would use to turn a Hydralisk into a Lurker.