actually you are restricted to being at their facility...but they feed you and you have your own bed they provide you with internet access, tv's, books, pool tables, and in most places you can take your acoustic guitar, sometimes i take my interface with my laptop and write shit while I'm there. if you're wondering what kinda people go there....well for the most part it's college kids paying their way through college or musicians and indy film makers trying to fund their projects. and they don't give you enough of the drug to do anything to you...........on that note i will tell you guys something....but if you decide to do one, don't tell i told you this.....but if you take the drug and you have an alergic reaction to the drug..they'll give you a shot to counter react the drug and you get to go home with every bit of the money, even if you are there for one day....but you didn't here that from meAre you restricted to just being at home, or do you live your life normally?
And you're testing drugs so theres the potential for things to go pretty wrong, isn't there?
In any case, that's crazy money.. is there an Australian version? ^^
to each it's ownNO way! I'm not gonna be a guinea pig. Legal or not I rather sell cocaine.![]()
I signed away my rights, spent 2 separate years in hell, and was able to purchase mucho gear.
Thank you, Army....