how do you take care of your ears?


Raising the Knife
Mar 22, 2005
Just off the LCO rez
I mean, aside from limiting exposure to loud stuff. How do you rest them up or recover from fatigue?

I've just been mixing, not loudly at all, and I feel like they're full of fluid and sound like I'm wearing wool earmuffs or something. Plus, i'm finding the hum of my com especially annoying right now.

Could be a cold coming on.
I suppose take more breaks while your mixing. Just stop and take 15min out to give yourself a rest. Maybe you've a wax build up too, you could get that stuff to clean them ouot and you might notice a difference.
Dont use this!!
It only make worse for you ears, because it pulls the fluid deeper and acumulate it instead of clean it.

And its nature's way of protection your hearing. Stuff's there for a reason.

If you use in ear plugs, you cant clean them enough. In ear earphones get the earpieces off them and clean them too. Hygiene is very important :worship:
just clean what you can in a simple try , dont go deeper because you only get your ears damaged as R-stuur says, there is for a reason
why is that so wrong? I think limiting the exposure to any sound pressure can help increase "lifespan" of your ears. I know it doesn't help clean your ears or anything, but I think in the long run, it good make a difference, and if not, at least it'll have a placebo effect and I'll magically start hearing better!
I guess that might even be bad for your ears cause if you plug your ears they might get dry or something...
Also think about which noise you might be exposed to while your sleeping. If you don't have a baby that crys all night or life under a tube station or something similar I don't get the point.
I know lots of doctors that says not to use it, just to clean your ears in the shower.
I think I'll stick to their advice :)
I know lots of doctors that says not to use it, just to clean your ears in the shower.
I think I'll stick to their advice :)

Yeah, my aunt is doctor (especialist in ears) and she told me that, you dont want to put anything inside your ears, because it wont help, just clean the wax you can with your pinky fingernail (or similar) and thats all you need to keep clean and healthy.

She also told me that even Traffic noises can damage you ears (and a lot of everyday noises), you gradually will loose hearing some frecuencies (she even draw an example) if you are exposed to some noises, like almost everyone here, i alway go to rehearsal without any protection, and we play loud because our place doesnt have any acoustics, so ill start rehearsing with earplugs.

you will be surprised if you get an ear wash by a doctor and see how much unnecesary stored wax will pull out, and you´ll hear a little better
I take care of mine by listening to Running Wild and Tankard at maximum volume in my car. If they're gonna go bad anyway, they might as well go out in style.

oh, and that cutip is nothing. I'll have wax just fall outta my ears sometimes, like a huge ball. I feel it drop from higher up. I should make candles with it.
As a general rule of tumb if you cant hold a conversation with the person beside you its to loud i think its about 85db i could be wrong but anything louder than if you were standing beside a busy road is damaging your hearing perminatley (your hearing does not heal itself like when you cut your hand it heals)

Even though i know this i still listen to loud music and play guitar at obsence volumes without protection im 21 and i know ive damaged my hearing already so i try to think about earplugs from now on it would suck to not be able to hear. I just have to disipline myself to always were protection when playing loud.

As for cleaning your ears just use your finger in the shower/bath works for me.
I'm no expert, but I heard that sleeping with earplugs in does more harm than good, especially from a tinnitus point of view - it sensitizes you more to the sounds in your head as oppose to if you didn't have the plugs in, when the brain would have a better chance of adjusting the hearing sensitivity to tinnitus sounds by comparing them to real life noise.

Like I say, me no expert, just what I've heard :)