Whose played the Mode4? How does it compare to you know what...

Kazrog said:
Actually I have a different opinion about the Mode 4. I wouldn't buy one, but the band that we share our practice studio with has one, and I've actually borrowed it for a live show when I was waiting for my 6505+ to arrive...

The amp sounds pretty spongey and lifeless by itself, but if you have a nice guitar with an EMG 85 in the bridge, a tube screamer, and a noise gate (Boss NS-2 or ISP Decimator), you can get some pretty killer tone out of it, that rivals most of the high gain tube amps on the market!

Like I said, I'd never buy one, when there's better amps out there for not much more money (Peavey 5150 and XXX for example), but it doesn't suck if you've got other good gear to use with it!

hey kazrog !! i have a good guitar with emg :D so the tubescremer really makes a difference with it ? do you know th settings of that band ? thx
here's an interesting little fact:

Sound is heard by human ears in a decibel scale. Thus, for something to sound twice as loud, it must be a power louder. So to sound twice as loud as a generic 10 watt amp, you need a 100 watt amp (barring all other features and components). To sound twice as loud as a 100/150watt amp in that case, you're going to need a hell of a lot more power than 400 watts.

Conclusion: The Mode4 and other "high power" amps are hardly louder if at all, and compromise those other nice components that make a TSL or a H&K or a Mesa head sound so great. Not a wisely spent buy imo.
the mode 4 would be decent if it cost about $500 (usd) but for the $1300 they're going for now even here...there are much better amps on the market

i would have to agree, on a budget, a used 5150 (or ultra plus if you can find one) would be the way to go for high gain tones...i've bought two 5150 heads for $350 each

altho it's not super high gain, the valveking is a really nice amp in it's own right, i use one for a practice amp here at home that i really like...i could dig up some clips if anyone is interested
cobrahead1030 said:
the mode 4 would be decent if it cost about $500 (usd) but for the $1300 they're going for now even here...there are much better amps on the market

i would have to agree, on a budget, a used 5150 (or ultra plus if you can find one) would be the way to go for high gain tones...i've bought two 5150 heads for $350 each

altho it's not super high gain, the valveking is a really nice amp in it's own right, i use one for a practice amp here at home that i really like...i could dig up some clips if anyone is interested

that'd be cool!
Here's the thing. Mesa/Boogies sell for the same price no matter who is buying them. A dealer still pays $1,600 for every Recto, whether he buys one, or 10. Mesa does not allow any price taken off. List price IS sale price with Mesa stuff. If a dealer is selling them at way under (half-off, etc.) it is NOT a sale by Mesa, it's the dealer losing it's ass on a bunch of equipment. Try going into any licensed Mesa dealer and say "I have $1k cash right now, can I take that Dual Recto home?", they'll tell you "shit, normally, I would. But, we can't sell the Mesas for anything less than list."

How do I know? Because I went to about 15 different Mesa Dealers here in San Antonio and Austin when I bought my Dual Recto. I had the $1,600 in cash, but I was trying to save some, so I offered the 1k up front. Every single one of them said "we can't sell Mesa for less than list, no matter what", in one way or another.

How do the dealers make money from selling them, you ask? Mesa pays them commision for every amp and cabinet sold. But that amp sells for list no matter what.

Thats mostly why I call your bullshit. Secondly, if those amps were going for that much, they'd be gone in 5 minutes. Not much of a sale if you ask me.

006 said:
Here's the thing. Mesa/Boogies sell for the same price no matter who is buying them. A dealer still pays $1,600 for every Recto, whether he buys one, or 10. Mesa does not allow any price taken off. List price IS sale price with Mesa stuff. If a dealer is selling them at way under (half-off, etc.) it is NOT a sale by Mesa, it's the dealer losing it's ass on a bunch of equipment. Try going into any licensed Mesa dealer and say "I have $1k cash right now, can I take that Dual Recto home?", they'll tell you "shit, normally, I would. But, we can't sell the Mesas for anything less than list."

How do I know? Because I went to about 15 different Mesa Dealers here in San Antonio and Austin when I bought my Dual Recto. I had the $1,600 in cash, but I was trying to save some, so I offered the 1k up front. Every single one of them said "we can't sell Mesa for less than list, no matter what", in one way or another.

How do the dealers make money from selling them, you ask? Mesa pays them commision for every amp and cabinet sold. But that amp sells for list no matter what.

Thats mostly why I call your bullshit. Secondly, if those amps were going for that much, they'd be gone in 5 minutes. Not much of a sale if you ask me.


Thats a pretty unorthdadox way of doing business!!! But still, if they buy list from mesa and sell list, they cannot make any money. Where is the money coming in this proposed chain!?
Thanks. Yeah, commision from Mesa/Boogie corporate. Cabinets for some reason, are another story, I've bought all my cabs for substantially less than normal prices by walking in with cash in hand and saying "this is what I got, and I want those three cabs" and they go "let's get you rung up", lol. Took home a Mesa Traditional 4x12, Marshall 1960a, and Marshall 1960av. They didn't say anything about the Mesa cab, but the Dual Recto I bought from that same place....just couldn't budge on the price no matter what.

My bandmate has a Mode 4, I hate it.. As does the rest of the band!

I picked up a 2nd hand 5150 for £325 mate. In fairness it had endured a pretty short but tough life on the road courtesy of some UK Hardcore band, so cosmetically it wasn't 100%, but who cares?!
It need some cleaning up & a re-tube but in total, it only came to £400ish.

You just have to be patient and constantly be looking in the right places.

www.sospubs.co.uk (Classified Section)

These are a good start - Watch them like a hawk & something will crop up sooner or later.

Good luck!
cobrahead1030 said:
here are a few i did with a single 57 and cheapo preamp:

the first one i ran the combo thru my old earcandy 2x12 cab, the next two are using the stock speaker in the 1x12 combo

Hey cobrahead it sounds really good, for 400 euros it slays any behringer or line6 stuff in the same price range!!!
Good clips!!
I love the clean, far better than 5150

006 said:
Here's the thing. Mesa/Boogies sell for the same price no matter who is buying them. A dealer still pays $1,600 for every Recto, whether he buys one, or 10. Mesa does not allow any price taken off. List price IS sale price with Mesa stuff. If a dealer is selling them at way under (half-off, etc.) it is NOT a sale by Mesa, it's the dealer losing it's ass on a bunch of equipment. Try going into any licensed Mesa dealer and say "I have $1k cash right now, can I take that Dual Recto home?", they'll tell you "shit, normally, I would. But, we can't sell the Mesas for anything less than list."

How do I know? Because I went to about 15 different Mesa Dealers here in San Antonio and Austin when I bought my Dual Recto. I had the $1,600 in cash, but I was trying to save some, so I offered the 1k up front. Every single one of them said "we can't sell Mesa for less than list, no matter what", in one way or another.

How do the dealers make money from selling them, you ask? Mesa pays them commision for every amp and cabinet sold. But that amp sells for list no matter what.

Thats mostly why I call your bullshit. Secondly, if those amps were going for that much, they'd be gone in 5 minutes. Not much of a sale if you ask me.


Not to be a dick bro .... but i went to ALOT of stores in San Antonio when i lived there and ive never heard this.

I offered the guys at Alamo Music & Guitar Center $1000 for a Rect and they were more than happy to take it, of course were talking the head only.

So i dunno where you went ot who you talked too but they were being dicks. They make plenty ... i know what rectos go for when they are sold to dealers. I have friends on the R&D team there.

So i say go back to these morons and call them on their bullshit.