Your Studio Name: Where does it come from and how did you think of it?


There used to be this cute little squirrel that took over a birdhouse outside of the place I used to live when I first started at audio school. My roommates and I tried to feed him, pet him, etc. but he was an asshole and would just hiss and throw shit at us. I was going through old files on my hard drive and came across an old photo of the squirrel peeking out of the hole, did a quick Google search and nothing came up so "Birdhouse Squirrel" stuck!
Lano Productions.

I recorded a band about 4 years ago, and when they recorded it, they gave me the name. I just went along with it and adopted the name.
My studio is built in the basement of an early 1900s villa (which is pretty fucking old by NZ standards).
I originally wanted to capture the idea of it being tucked away, out of sight, kind of like an escape from the rest of the world. I was thinking stuff like 'The Lair', and after a while, settled on 'The Asylum Studio' as it has multiple meanings, many of which sum it up perfectly -

   /əˈsaɪləm/ [uh-sahy-luhm]
1. (esp. formerly) an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance.
2. an inviolable refuge, as formerly for criminals and debtors; sanctuary: He sought asylum in the church.
3. International Law .
a. a refuge granted an alien by a sovereign state on its own territory.
b. a temporary refuge granted political offenders, esp. in a foreign embassy.
4. any secure retreat.

I call my studio BLAST CITY because I used to collect arcade machines and my holy grail was an imported Japanese machine called the Sega Blast City. Plus I think it works well as a studio name.

Here's a pic of the cabinet in question.

the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music. - Catharsis

i always felt recording was very cathartic so i just thought of it as a studio name
My "studio", if I can call it a studio :p, is named LEPATRON Studios.

Patron is my nickname, in French it means "boss", got it from a (really bad but really funny at the same time) rap artist that names himself "Ugo le Patron" (a world play on world famous clothing company Hugo Boss).
Forward Generation Music

Wanted something that sounded progressive or futuristic like i'm on the cutting edge lol. Maybe one day though, I'm always thinking....forward. Nice, right?
orator digital

the word orator is used to describe a master of public speaking, whether to influence or entertain (among other things) but more importantly an orator can change the emotions of their listeners, not just inform them... and i am really inspired by that ambiguity considering my disciplines are not exclusively audio.

i was originally working for a studio in so-cal and i wanted to begin working heavily in broadcast television... but the marketing dept. of my employer was not very proactive. so i was forced to begin a sole proprietorship and use my employer as leverage.

plus... i like the way it rolls of the tongue.