a good read

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Im sure most of you have read this before but for those of you who havent


I just finished the whole thing for the second time, i have never felt like such a newb when i read this kinda stuff. Here i am with my profire 610, MR5's and my amp sims trying to bang out a good production lol. (not that these things are essentially bad, its just doesnt compare to the outboard gear described in the post)
dont worry about the gear, worry about the intention and the way you percieve music

all the gear in the world means nothing if you're not intent on delivering THE mix that is PERFECT for the music
suffocation - effigy of the forgotten sounds like putrid, rotten corpses but its perfect for the music, that's what matters, whether you're delivering the mix the song needs, and this is what slipperman stresses
slipperman is the man.

And many here have been putting out sick mixes with gear equivalent as yours, keep it up and practice.
To be honest, you don't necessarily need expensive preamps, eq's etc. I've heard shit hot recordings from guys here using stock pre's on budget interfaces using stock eq's in their DAW.

Sure it's nice to have expensive shit like that, and it probably makes life easier. But a solid source sound is infinitely more important.

After all a stagg strat and squier sp-10 is still going to sound like shit even if it's mic'd and processed with £1000000000000000's worth of gear.

But a nice LTD going through a tubescreamer, 6505 and a rectifier cab mic'd with just a 57 and the shittiest of behringer pre's will still sound awesome (if a bit like every other metal band out there the now, but that's another topic that's been covered plenty already)

The point is. It's all about the source sound! Work on that and you wont need any other fancy nancy shit.