Read anything good lately?

Re Gatsby: it was only a book, but I found it rather sad when nobody turned up to the funeral.

Stonewall Jackson, you're nuts. Are you enjoying it though? Is it a literary studies subject?
Winnie, I'm doing history, literature, sociology and sustainable development. All of them have a lot of reading.
Crikey malikey, that's nuts. Do you have any recommendations for subjects to do? I'm doing an Arts degree (slowly), and am trying to work out what to do next year when Indonesian's out of the way.

Oh, I finished Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas today. Funny book.
dunno Winnie, I have only started 1st year this year, so i'm still getting my head around the whole thing...
How's it all going now?

I finished reading a book called One Hundred Years of Solitude the other day. Anyone else read it?
I'm reading the Schappele Corby book cause I found it lying around the house and had nothing else to read... But I'm actually quite into it.

*I* believe that she didn't do it... but I guess we may never know huh.

Either way, 20 years is fucked and reading about some of the fucking inhumane shit she has to deal with is even more fuckedered