A Heartfelt Thank You to Glenn


Black Belt in Sarcasm
May 2, 2002
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Glenn - I flew back to Philadelphia this morning. I got two hours of sleep, and watched Angra stagger in as I left for the car:>

Anyway, the show was awesome. It was also the most professionaly run festival I have ever attended. Everything was handled wonderfully, and I am amazed at the bands you brought in.

Again, thank you for all of your efforts. They are truely appreciated.

Thanks to Glenn and to all the cool people I met this weekend!! I had a GREAT time and can't wait to do it again next year!

~Tess from Texas!~
It was beyond awesome,thanks Glenn, you have my eternal gratitude! I had such a great time, its hard to put into words, but I will try after my liver heals LOL

Great to meet alot of you people that post here on this board as well as others,it was a blast and I cannot wait till next year to do it all over again. I got mucho pix, we will be posting in a few days!!

not to jump on the bandwagon, but I wish to extend my gratitude to Glen as well.

speaking as a primarily thrash/death/black metal fan, I must say that nonetheless the festival kicked all unholy ass this time around (not that last time was bad). glen, awesome job. see you next time.

Ryan (and I'll go ahead and extend Robin's thanks too since she doesn't follow the forum)

(alphabetical CD collection listening project is now put on hold for PPIII purchases in order to catch back up to the letter P, where I left off - not that any of you ever noticed, or care)

All I can say is thanks.

Thanks for a great weekend.
Thanks for turning me on to even more great music.
Thanks for letting me work alongside your wonderful crew.

I'm ready for next year.

Not to sound like Im kissing ass but I wish I had run into Glenn to tell him THANKS!!! This festival was the highlight of my life I never thought Id be standing side by side with my idols much less conversing with them , thank you Glenn for putting all this together.

Glad I had a chance to shake your hand, Glenn. I had such a blast, met some very cool people, autographs galore, and 3 nights of great music. I suppose we all can't thank you enough. Until next year...
Thanks Glenn. We had a great time. The bands rocked, the crowd rocked. Everybody I met was cool as hell. The venue was okay.

My favorite moment of the weekend happened Saturday afternoon when my wife and I were eating at Houllihan's. There was a huge table of people from the ProgPower that were there when we got there. When they all got up and left together, the very prissy looking woman behind me said something to the waiter about, "Who are all those people?" They speculated with the waiter a bit, then I turned around and told them. (Having short hair - unfortunately - they probably couldn't tell that I was part of the same crowd.) After I turned around, the woman said to her friend, "I was afraid they were bikers."

I would also like to thank Glenn for everything as well. I am sitting here right now depressed as hell wishing the weekend never ended.

The show was great, the bands were great, and Glenn organized a great show (again). I didn't think this year could even come close to last year. This year blew last year away. Not only were the bands incredible musicians but they were great people as well (espcecially the guys from Angra).
I would also like to say thank you to everyone that I met, bumped into, shared a beer with, ran into on the elevator, partied with, and stood in line with a very heartfelt thank you. I know this is cheesy but this show would not be what it is if everyone wasn't so cool. I didn't meet ANY bad people at the show (except the drunk lady that attacked my friend Curtis- I am sure pictures will be floating around shortly...) and I never expect to. It was like hanging out with best friends all weekend. That's exactly what helps to make this show so special.....
So, when do we need to send money to Glenn for the next set of gold badges......:) I can't wait for next year!!

Thanks again to everyone and until next year....

Yes, I too would like to thank Glenn and his wife for a great weekend of metal....
I had a blast, can't wait until next year.
Everyone I met was really cool.

Hello from Japan.

I am a friend of JUNNY who attended to PROG POWER.
Hope all you guys I met remember me!!!

It was my first time to join such great fes in US,
and I trully had a wonderful and precious time in Atlanta.

Now I am a bit tired for having long flights,
so I will write again.

I just want to say Thank you, thank you, thank you to
Glenn and everybody!!!!!
Glenn for president thats all I got to say. I flew from Chicago and I had the greatest time of my life. Metal is making a resurrgence in the US and glenn is the man making it happen. Thanks for a great time.
That's unbelievable that I'm also from Philly and post as "Dark One". You took my moniker!! LOL!! It's cool man, I had a blast as well and met some truly great people. Highlight of the festival for me: hanging with Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth until 7:00 in the morning on both Friday and Saturday nights. But the whole festival was an experience I'll never forget, and my heartfelt thanks also go out to Glenn and everyone who worked to make the festival such a huge success. Progpower 4, here I come!!
