A hint from mr V

Thanks for the tip! I wasn't so fond of the sample, mainly because I don't go so much for the high-pitched guitars in the first minute or so, but now that I've heard the rest of the song, the rest of it sooooo much makes up for that.
He's a minor enemy character named Reno, from the game Final Fantasy VII... in the game he doesn't have a goatee, but I drew one on him for my avatar because he looks a good bit like me... the big difference is that I'm not a 98 pound anorexic.
You fight him several times, along with the other Turks. You first fight him on top of the support pillar when he sets the bomb that brings the plate down on Sector 7 (I think it was 7, it's been a long time since I played it). Then you fight him again later somewhere with his bald partner in crime, Rude.

You see them again at a bar in Wutai where He, Rude, and Elena are all hanging out at a bar. Since it's their vacation time, he and Rude completely disregard the fact that they're *supposed* to kill you on sight... and Elena gets pissed. Then later on you and the Turks help each other when one of your own party, and their partner Elena are kidnapped...

Later on, You fight Reno and Rude again in a sunken submarine.

And finally, as you're making your way into the Shinra complex after the Diamond Weapon attacks, you meet all three Turks making their escape. They've decided that Shinra is ruined and that they're going to quit. They don't want to fight you, but if you want to challenge them one last time, you can do so. I never do... they're too likeable a bunch, IMO.
that is a frekkin CLASSIC game, I dont remember details since i played it like what 5 years ago but damn, that was a good game. I enjoyed it muchos :)
Yeah, part of me wants to also. I always wanted to see if it really was possible to get a "date" with Barret in the Gold Saucer. Too bad it's finals week, and I can't really spare the time...

(And yet I *can* spare the time to hang out on message boards? Figure that one out. :lol: )
I seriously doubt it's true. WAY seriously doubt it. It would throw a huge gigantic monkeywrench in the whole story, especially the ending, when nobody is there to channel the lifestream and the whole planet goes "ka-bloooey!".

Besides, even from a game standpoint, if you were meant to keep her, you wouldn't be able to get her level 4 limit break so early.
I'm absolutely sure it was a fake pic. You can try the method you read if you like, though.

The only easter eggs I can think of would be Vincent and Yuffie. It's easy enough for the designers just to leave them out of the ending, but they would have had to make a whole seperate ending for the "Aeris lives" contingency, and they didn't. Breaking the 4th wall to the point where they'd have to come out and say "Sorry, Aeris is still functoinally dead in the story even though you're using her in your party right now" would have shattered the suspension of disbelief beyond repair.

The Barret "date" on the other hand... that is something that I'm not sure whether is for real or not, and would be the reason I played the game again. After all, Cloud sure did seem to get into the whole cross dressing thing. ;)
Speaking of fake pics...


Too bad I had a sudden case of "I can't spell" when I wrote the name. :rolleyes:

EDIT: And if I'd had the right picture to work with, I would have equipped a book in his right hand and called it something like "Thus Spake Zarathustra" or "Beyond Good and Evil." And come to think of it, that faith score should be 00. Doh!
Yeah, I've gotten him in FFT before. He's pretty cool aside from the fact that he starts at level 1. He's a lot stronger than I at first gave him credit for, that's for sure.

My take on the ending of that game never stays the same. I always have questions about it... like was Olan just seeing things in the ending? And exactly what happened in the final scene after the credits? Stupid little sprite characters making it hard to see what was going on... :lol: I have my theories, but unless the designers ever come forward and say what happened, that's all they'll be.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
WOOOOOOOOOT :rock: :rock: :hotjump:

Great! But one question, why does digitalmetal have a full version and the VS homepage only came up with half the song?

Yeah I was asking this myself as well, I was talking with Gaunerin about this...

I think the full version should be on the official site too, there it belongs in the first place...