A hypothesis...

Nov 30, 2005
I think that the words "dark", "death" and "angel" are the most common words in band names. Consider:
Morbid Angel
Angel Corpse
Napalm Death
Dark Tranquility
Dark Funeral

And of course, there are those bands that combine the aforementioned words:
Dark Angel
Death Angel

Are these really the most common words in metal band names? Are there words I am forgetting?
I think you didn't miss anything, those words are most common in band names. As you know many band names are associated with the causes of death such as: Immolation, Suffocation, Exhumed, Dissection etc. Some also use some demons names like Marduk or Leviathan.
Don't forget any word starting with the prefix "en". For example, "Enthroned, Entombed, Enslaved,...etc.
MasterOLightning said:
Don't forget goat.

Of course you can search metal archives for a definite answer.

693 search results for "dark"

533 search results for "death"

237 search results for "angel"

119 search results for "goat"
193 search results for "evil"

156 search results for "satan"

pretty typical
1903 search results for "the"
2007 search results for "of"

I prefer one word bandnames myself, unless it happens to just be super uber awesome.