A Hysterical Tongue Lashing by Bruce Dickenson

Haha, good stuff, thanks for that. Even if you are a moron a lot of the time, that was good for a laugh, man.
That was pretty funny but Les Claypool is the champion of shouting at members of an audience. On one occasion to told the remainder of a crowd to follow the offender out to a parking lot and beat the shit out of him.
haha, bruce is a cool guy. id be like too, if someone threw shit at me. hes right, why do you go to shows if youre just gonna throw shit at the band?
It's quite funny. Bruce is better at dealing with morons in the crowd then Nickelback are; there's a video of them having rocks thrown at them in Portugal, and they quit after the second song.
its funny to hear bruce dickinson let out his inner whiney axl rose. the best ever is this video where sebastian bock gets hit in the head with a beer bottle and jumps off stage and cracks the dudes skull open with another beer bottle and then has to go to jail because of it.
I was at that particular show in LA this past January. That's the third or fourth time I've seen Bruce go off at a show. In 1999 on the Ed Hunter tour a bunch of people rushed the front during the encores (it was all reserved seating, I had paid dearly for scalped front-row dead center seats). Well, a fight ensued about two people to my right after "The Number of the Beast" and Bruce spat his venom at this total loser. I believe an exact phrase he used in his tirade was, "I'm half your size, but I'll jump right in there and tear your guts out!". The place went nuts cheering. Bruce is not big, but was definitely imposing right up above us, staring down at this fuck next me.

My friend bootlegged the show and I have a copy of it. It's fun to listen to that portion of the show. I got punched in the nose during the melee, but was disoriented and didn't even see who hit me. Brings back good memories, hahah! Anyway, Maiden heads who might be curious look for the Fiddler's Green Amphitheater show bootleg in Denver/Englewood CO for the Ed Hunter tour '99, you can hear it. Anyway...up the Bruce!
And he's a pilot, too.

I have a fear of angry pilots.

*remembers childhood...*


*spank spank spank*


Don't like pilots at all...*shudders*