A killer shoots 5 people in a shopping mall at Espoo, Finland

How high are the rates of suicide, and accidental death due to gunshot wounds?

no higher than the suicide or accidental death rates anywhere else. it's patently irrelevant how someone chooses to top themselves, for they are surely just as dead, irrespective of the method used, and the accident-prone soon find themselves having one accident or another... some will be fatal. again the method isn't nearly as interesting to note as it might seem on the surface.
no higher than the suicide or accidental death rates anywhere else. it's patently irrelevant how someone chooses to top themselves, for they are surely just as dead, irrespective of the method used, and the accident-prone soon find themselves having one accident or another... some will be fatal. again the method isn't nearly as interesting to note as it might seem on the surface.


Someone might change their mind about topping themselves altogether... if the appropriate tools were not immediately to hand.
pfffftt... thanks CK... apprently in the UK, one can only kill oneself with guns.. and there's never ropes, drugs, or bridges around. :rolleyes:
Yeah. Kinda hard to slaughter a million dark-skinned people when all you've got is a feather duster and some soil based building materials.

actually they were white... quite pale actually.... and they liked to drink tea (resemble anyone you know?). and liked to tax others for the tea if they wanted some too. and they had quite a penchant for red jackets and poncy white wigs. :lol:

jokes aside... yeah, i know you were referring to the native americans ("indians"). atrocities and genocide against native peoples in the americas were perpetrated by many nations, not just the one that formed on their native soil... Spain anyone?

anyway, this is NOT a debate about whose country is better.... you wanna get into that, get into it with someone else... this thread is about the reality we live in now, and my country would not exist as it does now without guns. like it or not, i can't change history. STFU with the off-topic digs at a legacy your ancestors were just as guilty of as mine, by proxy even when not directly. quite funny for an Englishman to call an American out on his country's "bloody past". irony, thy name is drew.
You want to know how our government deals with suicide? On our main bridge leading traffic into the city they built a higher protective fence so now people just climb up higher to jump off. :ill:

Money well spent! :Smug:
You want to know how our government deals with suicide? On our main bridge leading traffic into the city they built a higher protective fence so now people just climb up higher to jump off. :ill:

Money well spent! :Smug:

i think they just wanted to help them out.. you know, higher fall, bigger splat. :lol:
quite funny for an Englishman to call an American out on his country's "bloody past". irony, thy name is drew.

Just ask any Irishman about this

But even here in Ireland, I've known two people that were in school with me that have committed suicide. That is from a class of 100 and there are just as strict gun laws here. I think as soon as a person realises that it's too much, whatever is the easiest option they will opt for. I remember a number of years back in one school examination (Leaving cert-SAT equivalent?) one student, while sitting the exam, stuck a sharpened pencil up their nose and whacked their head off the table, that just shows you that as James said, gun or no gun, you are still going to end up the same way. On the suicide note, there may be one possible reason for lower suicide rates here and that again comes back to religion. Not too many years ago, if a person committed suicide then it was seen as a huge shame on the family by the church, so much so that they couldnt be buried in church graveyards as it was seen as taking the power from God or something. But still even here, where you cant freely own a gun, the reports of gun related crime is increasing, and they aren't walking into their local stores to buy guns. Criminals will always get guns if theres a way unfortunately, so whether you and I can buy guns or not, its not going to stop the criminals activities, Thats just my take on it, even if it has all been said before
pfffftt... thanks CK... apprently in the UK, one can only kill oneself with guns.. and there's never ropes, drugs, or bridges around. :rolleyes:

Who said anything remotely like this? Pfft. Forget it.. not going to get into this again with you man; I respect you.. but we disagree on this issue, that is all.
yes you did.. you essentially said without a gun around, their might not be the opportunity to kill oneself before thinking better of it... as if guns are the only way to kill oneself. the lack of a gun is no deterrent to suicide, and the stat of people who ONLY want to kill themselves with a gun, and so wont do it if they can't get one is non-existent, or tiny enough so as to effectively be non-existent. thinking along those lines is just wrong... but you are of course perfectly entitled to carry a wrong opinion. ;)

and i'm not trying to demean you, just challenging your thoughts on the matter... because this is a forum. where we discuss things. so no, it's not personal.

i'd love to see how Japan would fare if it shared a border with Mexico.

[OT] Lets face it, there would be no mexico, the Japanese would have killed them all at some point along the line :)

It's weird to look at Japan now and imagine how it was 150 years ago, such a completely different country [/OT]

i respect that it's a bit different in the US to over here in the UK.
I'm just glad that when some drunk guy goes nuts on me in my local pub, he doesn't shoot me and i don't shoot him coz in almost every case, neither of us have the tools for the job