A kind of silly tread about lyrics.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Suddenly this morning I was thinking about some really old rock'n'roll lyrics and thought that if you read them in a certain sense they have nothing to envy the hard metal lyrics of today, see some well known examples:

See the fire sweepin' out very street today,
Burns like a red coal carpet, mad bull lost its way.
War, children, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away.
War, children, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away.
Rape! Murder! It's just a shot away, it's just a shot away.
Rape! Murder! It's just a shot away, it's just a shot away.

Not bad, maybe some epic song from Manowar or Judas Priest?

Stolen many a man's soul and faith.
I was around when Jesus Christ had His moment of doubt and faith.
I made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.
Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.
But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game.
I stuck around St. Petersburg when I saw it was time for a change.
I killed the Tzar and his ministers; Anastasia screamed in vain.

Cult. Probably black metal stuff.

Eleanor Rigby, died in the church
and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt
from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved

Definitive anti-Christian, nice for some black or doom band.

Happiness is a warm gun
Happiness is a warm gun
When I hold you in my arms
And I feel my finger on your trigger

Cheesy maybe, but I'm sure KISS, Motley Crue or similar would have like it. Even maybe a thrash band for a ballad :lol:

I know is silly, but I wonder how many people complaint today of metal lyrics without looking at their own youth :Smug:, or considering: you know old rock'n'roll wasn't about violence and "satanism" Tsk,tsk, nice to know we are so original:p
Yeah, I was listening to the Beatles yesterday. :lol: "I Want to Hold Your Hand"... if that's not cheesy, I don't know what is.
JonnyD said:
hahahaha Ya know dude I have thought about that before I grew up on the beatles and stones its not really all that different

Yeah the later Beatles and Stones stuff were pretty cool. I love their psychadelic stuff, but their early stuff was pretty cheesy.

AngelWitch73 said:
Violence and Cheeze will always be present in every time period as long as humans walk this earth.

Cheese goes great with fine micro-brewed beer anyway, but I do have my limits. Manowar for example. They serve enough cheese to lock up a horse.

AngelWitch73 said:
Violence and Cheeze will always be present in every time period as long as humans walk this earth.
Talk about Limburger the most violent cheese around :loco: