a little feedback...

ok, here is what i have so far for this meta/punk band. We have all the intsruments tracked but vocals and some random keys. heres the gear list and at the bottom is the link the song:

(left side) b52 at-100 tube amp thru a 4x12 cab with celestions
(right side) Roland cube 60
single mic sm57 on dustcap

Pacific maple kit
oh:mxl 993
kick:beta 52-i doubled the track and used drumagog to replace one track of bd using a nuendo drum sample and im planning on replacing the snare with one of andy's samples

kustom amp
beta 52 mic mixed with a DI signal

recorded thru a presonus firepod 24 bit 96khz recorded in cubase mixed in nuendo 2.2


for some reason if the link doesnt work just copy this.... freewebs.com/triggerstudios/almostfinal_athlonmp3.mp3

It sounds very live. Bass is too loud, and the drums sound very raw and not very tight, in terms of playing. Actually none of the playing is very tight. The eq on the guitar isn't great either. The song's pretty decent, but the playing needs to be improved and so does the mix.

edit: The kick is really, really flat. Get rid of whatever sample you used and add some click.
oh yea forgot to say that there is no eq done to anything but drums and bass so the guitars are still raw. As far as the kick goes thats kind of what we were looking for we didnt want too much click. and i cant really help the playing ha but yea the drums arent too tight. Thanks

Well it sure sounds punk, doesn't it? :)

I dug the vibe of the song. Mix wise, there can certainly be improvement.

My first suggestion would be to do something with the kick: level & definition wise, it's all over the place. It's up front, then it's buried. Some compression *might* help, but I think the drummer is just too inconsistent with his kick hits for compression to really save it. You might want to think about drumagog.
Snare & toms: there's too much boosting EQ on them. Instead of 'bright' your're getting 'thin.' Try using subtractive EQ instead.... that, & let the overheads add the air on the kit.

You might also want to think about adding a very short verb on the kit as a whole, to give it some depth.
