A little something for everyone to read


Metal Monk
Jun 25, 2003
A few facts:

FAO:s recent enviroment report states, that 18% of global warming is solely due to live stock production. 18 fucking percent!!! Even traffic pollution causes less damage to the planet. I won't even start to list here all the things that sum up to this.


Almost 70% of the worlds arable land is used for livestock pasture. Half of the European Unions soil is used for the same. The ecosystem of the Amazon area is slowly supressed by the same. 10 to 20 percent of all grassland of the planet has been eradicated useless by the same. How nice.

The lack of clean water is going to start wars someday, everybody wants to survive, even if at the expense of someone elses life. For the manufacturing of 1 kilo of corn, 250 litres of water is consumed. However, for the manufacturing of one (1) single kilo of meat, the amount consumed is 52 200 litres. That is 208,8 times the amount. The whole chain of dairy and meat indrusty in general consumes multiple amounts of water in comparison to what a vegetarian diet requires.

A word about protein. The livestock consumes more protein that is good for human nutriment than it produces. The amount consumed is up to 77 million tons of preserved protein of which only a fraction actually ends up in the final product, meat food. The amount of livestock feeding on perfectly good human food (for no reason) increases along with the intensity of the production. Is it really necessary to put the soy through a cow before you can eat it?

This one time, this girl told me, that vegetarians don't get enough protein, of course i told her she's wrong. She insisted that meat is 100% protein, which it is definetly not. Fish has the most protein of all animal products, the amount is about 25%, of which most is not usable for the human organism. Soy, a vegetable that is fed to livestock, holds a 50% of protein, twice the amount of any animal product.

Also, almost everywhere in the world the sizes of the farms are increasing, but the space for a single animal is getting smaller. Hens may have less than the amount of one A4 sheet of paper room, a 100 kilo pig might have a bit over half a square metre, and it is legal to keep 20 broiler on one square metre in Finland!!! Globally there is not much difference.

Every 8 seconds, the size of a football field of rainforest gets bulldozed down to grow forage on. 90 fucking percent of soy is used for forage, even though it is perfectly good for human food.

Every day 5000 kids die because the have no water. Every day. And yet "for the manufacturing of one (1) single kilo of meat, the amount consumed is 52 200 litres."

Every year 60 billion animals are being slaughtered, for no reason at all.

I am not into converting people, because i really don't care, but still, i do insist the use of common sense in everyday life. This is not about health, calories, taste, or the individuals freedom of choice. This is about the global "cause and effect" of indrustial meat production. Stop ignoring this!

Now everyone go hunt your meat!
p.s. Just got a moose roast out of the oven.
p.p.s. ...and I promise not a single liter of water was needed to get that.

I really can't be arsed to start a conversation about this
but my short opinion is drive less and use a rubber. ;)
Anything to back this particular claim up? I'm cool with everything else.

Which of those claims?

"Fish has the most protein of all animal products, the amount is about 25%"
- I believe this is pretty much common knowledge to anyone who is interested to what he/she puts in his/her mouth.

"of which most is not usable for the human organism"
- I could not find a written word to back this up, i'm sorry, and now as an afterthought would add the word "propably".

"Soy, a vegetable that is fed to livestock, holds a 50% of protein, twice the amount of any animal product."
- Reads on every soy product package.

Anyway, even too much protein is not healthy for you. Here's a short info of this from a webpage:
"Too much protein is as harmful as too little, and is linked with shorter life expectancy, increased cancer and heart disease risk, widespread obesity and diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney stress, and bad digestion"
Reasons for this are easy to find for anyone who is interested. Anyway, there is no proof that people who eat meat rarely would be remarkably unhealthier than vegans. People who eat meat every single day on the other hand...:ill:
Besides, i don't want this to turn into a "health info thread". This is about something much more important than one persons health.

Nevershine: I might even eat some of that (not much). That is quite economical and even ethical in comparison to indrustial meat. But this is not a topic to make smart comments about. If you don't want to conversate about this, you can just ignore it. A smart ass comment back at you: Are you saying that you have hunted a moose that has never drank a single drop of water? :goggly: No offence buddy, let's keep things friendly, but proper.

Here's also a argument page with a really funny name:




jatkakaa vaan ihan hyvin teilläkin menee.. :lol:
"of which most is not usable for the human organism"
- I could not find a written word to back this up, i'm sorry, and now as an afterthought would add the word "propably".

It was about this one. I put it on bold on the quote. Certainly no arguments against the other part of the quote: My hobby after all is reading the sides of tuna cans over and over and over again..:waah: