A long new exclusive intie with Dan!

and...just for the record...I consider myself to be a big part o the sucess of Diabolical Masquerade...but not 100% responsible for the success, I am pretty sure I cannot have said that in the interview...but i speak fast and the guys are russion, so misunderstandings are bound to happen. Even though I have an enourmous ego and parlty meglomaniac..this is not the case here. DM is a joint effort from me and Blakkie and noone can that away from us....and if there is a future...well, we all knew what I said about EOS doing another album, Bloodbath playing live etc...and hey look what happened
Mr. Blakkheim just gave us all a little Psychology lesson, using none other than you (Dan) as a subject hehe...I thought it was actually quite funny, but I guess he must have deleted it.
I wonder why he deleted it? I saw it the other day, there really wasn't much to his post. Wasn't his message something like "Oh boy Dan can talk forever!" or something similar?

Anyways, great interview. I feel special to have #7 of 44 from that Unicorn box set Dan made. I remember when he posted the offer on his website. I had just acquired the Emotional Wasteland cd from some store I found on Gemm.com and was loving it, so I sprang for the demo's at once. Hehe. It's definitely great stuff. I'm not sure that I'd want to see these songs re-done on a second Second Sky CD, though. I feel like maybe they ought to be left alone. Thoughts?
Guys, I don't really know what the controversy is all about. The interview never reads, "I am 100 percent responsible for the success of Diabolical Masquerade."
What it says is, "I know that I am also responsible for the success of that project."
Probably we misheard something on tape, I'll check that again, but I really see no disagreements between what we printed and what Dan said a few posts above!!

Metal88 said:
I'm not sure that I'd want to see these songs re-done on a second Second Sky CD, though. I feel like maybe they ought to be left alone. Thoughts?

I think we should trust Dan in re-doing them. I'm pretty shure that when he re-does them he will do it properly.
I don't think that he will totally change the basics, likely mostly the sound will improve a lot.
And he said that they will make most of the remakes for the second "Second Sky" album. It was easy to read over...
Light said:
Or he typed second twice by mistake

Glad someone didn't just "read over" my post. Thanks. Hehehe ;)

I think if Dan remakes some of the demo songs for inclusion on the second disc, that will be ok. However, I personally would want new material also. The person who said I have this opinion only b/c I've already heard the songs probably hits the nail on the head, I'd have to admit. Hehe.