Tagtgren Out for Wacken, Possible New Diabolical Maquerade Album

The signature came back!!!! Thank You Jinn!!!

I'd love to see your new list.

I'm not really sick, I have gastritis due to an anxiety attack, so I can't drink for 3 months I believe. But I want a liver still, mine is destroyed already.

Jinn said:
bah, I'll make new list of demands... just for you.

1. Jesus reunites with Bloodbath to play Wacken '05 HELL YEAH!!
2. Luz gets a new liver PLEASE!!!
3. somebody explains to me what in the fuck this thing is --> :hotjump: I DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING CLUE.
4. the Masque goes back on... THANK YOU JINN!5. Blakkheim personally comes to my house, gives me a massage with sacred oils from india and gives me a bath in siberian unborn baby yak cheese LOL :tickled: BEST LIST OF DEMANDS EEEEVER!!

No, im not in a list. I said it for fun, but still I need one. lol

Jinn said:
New list of demands fully functional!
Wow, three months? shit.
are you on an organ donor wait list of any kind?
Jinn said:
One Winged Angel,

My statement is now in Luz's signature.

And as we all know, anything that is in Luz's signature is holy and is irrefutable.

Therefore, if you object to that statement, you shall be burned at the stake.

mmk? :)
Sorry I'm late.

I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. Even though Peter has accomplished something untouchable with NMF, RTC is Mikael's territory. It's been said before, but the two albums are almost completely different overall sounds, and not having their respective singers for either of them would be a tragedy. It's too bad at least one of the albums isn't going to be sung to it's full potential. Mikael has every right to give NMF a shot though... if Mikael sings at Wacken at all.

But seriously, I like Mikael's growl a lot... but Peter's growl... just c'mon.
lots to answer to.

Yes, Blakkheim and I struck a deal that he would release the lyrics to Nightwork if I took down the sig, so that happened, then I brought it back up after Anders in his own words 'ground to a halt'. I put a new demand in that Bloodbath or Katatonia Tours America, but since I SHALL go to see Bloodbath, that demand was met.
NOW the sig is up by special request.

OWA: Be a pal and get yer signature on the petition for the rest of us buddy :)

Khayman: Yea, but that would be fucking sweet if he only showed up at my door.