How did you find Dan?

I kept seeing the name Dan Swanö everywhere... Then I got Nightmares made flesh, and I thought the riffs were fucking awesome... So then I got Crimson I & II and now I don't know what to do with myself. Dan is awesome.
I got a tape of Purgatory Afterglow from a friend, back in the mid-90's. I was into bands like Maiden, Helloween, Gamma Ray etc back then, so I found the EoS sound too heavy and didn't like the vocals (!) at all, except for the songs Blood-colored and Black Tears which totally blew me away. After a while I got used to the growls on Blood-colored and thought they were really cool, so I gave the rest of the album a chance and absolutely loved it! This was my first death metal experience ever, and to this day EoS is my favourite DM band =)

I got The Breathing Shadow a short while later and loved the dark, gothic sound (I was into some Sisters of Mercy and a big fan of Fields of the Nephilim too), and after that everything was peachy :D
mattcira said:
Coincidentally, Fields of the Nephilim is the best band, ever.

Well, yes, they're one of my top three fav bands ever anyhow. Sometimes they're number one even, but it depends on my mood. Have you heard the new album Mourning Sun? I waited and waited for soo many years for a new album, and finally it came, and it absolutely rules! I love it, it's just as sinister as it should be, although with a whole new feel to it, compared to their older stuff. OF course, they've modified their sound quite a lot on every album they've released so it's no surprise that this one has it's own style... cool though!

Sorry for the long off topic post :)
Well me...I was searching for new artist and came upon an Album named "moontower"...I was amazed that one man can do this shit all by himself..he gots balls!...
hmmm let me see if i remember correctly... (it's kinda piracy)

it was in 1998, internet just broke in Chile, there were a few people who had access to the internet, and i was one of them.
Some friend talked to me about MP3... so i was using "Altavista" searching for Mp3... specially metal mp3s.
Then i found some page, which contained 3 discs:
Falkenbach - Ok Magni Ok Megintiri (or something like that)
Thyrfing - Valdr Galga
Dan Swano - Moontower

i could download one song from moontower, before the site went down. It was Patchworks. I was blown away by the magic of that music. So i started to research about Dan... specially in NAPSTER... then i found 3 songs from Nightingale:
The Dreamreader
Nightfall Overture

i was totally thrilled with The Dreamreader, so i made my first buy on the internet, The Breathing Shadow...
Then i figured out that at that time, there were another Nightingale album, The Closing Chronicles, and bought it too...
Then, i bought every NG cd, and then i started to check out Unicorn, which i could buy like in 2003, because no stores had it on stock...

Dan you rule:grin:
I'll try to remember....

It was in 1998 or 99 (I was 19). I just started to understand real metal musuc (death, doom, black....). I've read a lot of metal magazines and saw many mentions in different reviews about Dan. And started searching his works, but fuck!!, it was imposible, in my city, in my country.
I even did not know how cold it be, his music. I just wanted it!
And then...
I had tape with DISMEMBER 95, and after album (wich very short, you know)
was recorded something amazing, I thought (I don't know why) that it is DISMEMBER 97. But....
It was amazing death metal with melodies and brutal parts, and very unusual sound, very clear, but heavy, with very strange sound of snare drum....!!!
You understand what it was? It was begining of "Spectral Sorrows" album, only 3 first traks..... fuck!!!
But I thought it was DISMEMBER 97 and trying to find it.
And one day I saw "Spectral Sorrows" CD in one shop, I asked to turn it on to
listen and........... I was shocked!!!
THAT IS IT!!!!!! THAT IS DAN SWANO!!! :worship:
I had part of it and thought it was DISMEMBER FUCK!!!!
Of couse I taken this CD..... and many other......

....history about "Moontower" is also very strange..... may I'll tell it next time.
You russians are so lucky...the cd's in russia are incredibly cheap.
next time I come to russia I'm going on a metal shopping spree and I'll make sure to buy "серега-черный бумер" that sergey is makes me laugh everytime I hear that song.
Gurgelguff said:
paradoxile said:
You russians are so lucky...the cd's in russia are incredibly cheap.

They should be. Most of them are bootlegs.
There are some nice Russian sites with N.G tracks/Cd:s for sale
I wonder who earns the money ? :erk:

If the site is legal and selling cd's they probably got the cds in a large quantity(I said tity) from a legitamate source(another cd store or maybe from black mark themselves)

lucky for me, I speak fluent russian and have seen those sites and thought about buying from them cause their cd's are really cheap.I'm talking about 7 to 9 US dollars for a full LP.eventually I haven't bought anything because after paying for shipment and customs buying the cd in israel comes out a little cheaper(aspecailly if you have buddies in several music stores to give you discounts) and besides I rather spend my last resources on cd's from a lagitimate source rather than buy it from a russian site which I know nothing about.
what I do know from speaking with some of my relatives still in the Ukraine, the prices for original Cd's in lagitimate CD stores in russia are much lower than in Israel or the US or anywhere in Europe.

about the mp3 downloads for instance sells the whole moontower album for 72cents (US currency) and NG's Nightfall overture fo 90 cents
and this is what their legal statement says:

All phonograms on MP3Search.Ru are placed according license agreement from Noncommercial Partnership "Federation of Authors and Rights holders for Collective Management of Copyright in Interactive Regime".

Moscow, Verkhnelihoborskaya str., 8, room 206
phone: (095) 641-1639

НП "Федерация правообладателей по коллективному управлению Авторскими правами при использовании произведений в Интерактивном Режиме" и НП "Федерация Обладателей Смежных Прав" являются организациями по коллективному управлению авторскими и смежными правами, созданы и действуют в соответствии с Законом РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах".

НП ФАИР осуществляет сбор и распределение авторского вознаграждения, а так же на основании Генерального соглашения с НП ФОСП от 26.09.05г. собирает вознаграждение для исполнителей и производителей фонограмм.

according to this.their mp3 biz is legitimate and someone should be getting the royalties for those mp3s. If you're not getting the royalties I believe you can ask anyone in this forum who lives in moscow to jump over to the federation's office or just give them a call to sort things out.
I think Ivan would be a great choice after all he designed your cd covers and he's the most affiliated person with NG in moscow.
We have 5 Record Labels that release Legal CDs by licence from european and us labels. they are IROND, FONO, CD-Maximun, ArtMusicGroup & Soyuz
theyr CDs cost 5...8 $ (not very different from original CDs)
And not-legal CDs cost 2...3$

must say,
at lasy I got my "crimson 2" CD from Black Marck and it cost to me fucken 20$!!!
album is amazing!!! I ve heard before its promo mp3 version.
no need to say that full cd version is much much better!!!
In israel original albums cost 18-19$.In the US they cost around 16$
this just proves my point.original albums in russia cost half as much as in israel or america.
I´m afraid that i don´t trust the Russian publishing too much.
I don´t get any money and i don´t think they go to the foundation for poor hockers with AIDS in Kalinigrad:grin: I think Black Mark "sold" one "Moontower" to someone in Russian and didin´t get payed. A while later a copule of thousands had the album:grin: I don´t mind shearing my music for free ( as some of you many know ) but i do mind some sucker earing money on it:yuk:
Gurgelguff said:
I´m afraid that i don´t trust the Russian publishing too much.
I don´t get any money and i don´t think they go to the foundation for poor hockers with AIDS in Kalinigrad:grin: I think Black Mark "sold" one "Moontower" to someone in Russian and didin´t get payed. A while later a copule of thousands had the album:grin: I don´t mind shearing my music for free ( as some of you many know ) but i do mind some sucker earing money on it:yuk:

Is that an ok for do'nloading White Darkness instead of buying the cd 'hen it comes out?