The Chupacabra
Besides having a really cool name, the Chupacabra is legendary in South America, the Southern U.S., and Puerto Rico. The Chupacabra is dark gray, about a meter (~3 feet) tall and weighs close to that of an adult goat. It stands and walks on two powerful hind legs and has two smaller forearms with razor-sharp claws. The spikes going down the back to the long tail of the creature are second only to the powerfully large, sharp fangs protruding from it's mouth. Chupacabra's spinal quills also double as wings. The descriptions of the Chupacabra resemble certain dinosaurs from the Jurassic/Cretaceous period. The beast possibly uses it's tail for balance while it walks, runs, and sucks blood from goats and similarly-sized animals.
Reports of the Chupacabra from all over South America go back about fifty years or more. Some think it is a native of another galaxy, or a half-half vampire beast terrorizing any animal in its path. The Chupacabra is real. People who have seen it say it hops like a kangaroo and smells like sulfur. Others say that it is a panther-like creature with a long, forked, snake tongue and gleaming red eyes... I believe that it is the combination of these two. The Chupacabra hops or runs on its hind legs and resembles a panther.
There is a Chupacabra. Although the majority of reports are in the Americas, reports of this beast have come from all over the world. They are intelligent and have the ability to fly. They most likely live underground in hidden caves and wait until night to feast on animal blood.
Note how he puts his hand on his hip, all sassy-like.