You still suck, you fucking bitch.AllWithinMyMonster said:Hellooooooooooo homosexuals, gaycrepes, and nutjugglers of all ages. Tis I Allwithinmyfuckingmonster returning from a short hiatus to once again bestow you all with a tutoring lesson in the art of Met-al. Its been a great 2 weeks has it not? Afterall how can 2 weeks of homosexual-free living not be grandiose? 2 things made it oh so groovy. I was away from this shit board for 1, and for 2 takinthemusicbacks mother gave me a gum job on tuesday. Shes so old and wrinkly it felt as if I was fucking a st bernard...but nonetheless it was quite pleasurable. On to the point of the matter. I lived up to my part of the bargain. I told the ultimate metal community that I was going away. For 1 week. And not only did i fulfill my part of the deal. I doubled it and went for 2. (1 week away wasnt enough break from the fagdom which is worn on the sleeves of all of you vital remain headbanging buttdumplings.) So I have once again immaculately ventured onto this shitzine to let gaydian of dickness and takingthesausageupthenostril know that their days are numbered. I did my part now you two peas in a penis must show your manhood. By being men of your word and leaving this board foreverrrrrrrr. Takin...I'm sure the limb bizkit board will welcome you with open arms. You like chocolate starfish but not st anger? What a fucking hypocrite!!! AHAHAHAHAH. You call Limp dipshit heavy? What a fucking trendfag you are. Guardian of gayness has more respect from me than you and his leg is a fucking cheeto!!! Anyhow no need to reply to my rant....Just leave the board at once and step aside as my reign as message board mentor continues to teach the toddlers of tommorow what real fawking music is. Metallllllllllllllllllllica 4 life. \m/
dill_the_devil said:Shit, we should make a roster or something - y'know, organise it so that each and every member of the forum gets a week off so they can return, blinking and confused to the real world, seperated from the previously comforting organic glow of their VDUs and the constant, brain-numbing stupidity of members like AllWithinMyMonster, to rejoin society and converse intellectually with actual people rather than attention starved societal abortions with nothing better to do than bait people he's never met with insults so nonsensical and ludicrous that they become totally ineffective and thus backfire, rendering him a sort of drooling, pointless pitysack - a figure of fun for the enlightened few who choose to take his posts for what they are - a sad, desperate cry for help from a lost soul craving some sort of validation for his miserable existence.
Oh, and they could bring me a stick of rock back from their vacation too. What say you all?
thebigyetti said:toaster strudel > pop tarts
LOL - nah, my chemical dependancy at the moment is limited to nicotine, caffeine and marijuana - I've just been having a bad few weeks is all, and venting is goooood...AjDeath said:Dill, are you allright, are the qualudes getting to you?![]()
AllWithinMyMonster said:Hellooooooooooo homosexuals, gaycrepes, and nutjugglers of all ages. Tis I Allwithinmyfuckingmonster returning from a short hiatus to once again bestow you all with a tutoring lesson in the art of Met-al. Its been a great 2 weeks has it not? Afterall how can 2 weeks of homosexual-free living not be grandiose? 2 things made it oh so groovy. I was away from this shit board for 1, and for 2 takinthemusicbacks mother gave me a gum job on tuesday. Shes so old and wrinkly it felt as if I was fucking a st bernard...but nonetheless it was quite pleasurable. On to the point of the matter. I lived up to my part of the bargain. I told the ultimate metal community that I was going away. For 1 week. And not only did i fulfill my part of the deal. I doubled it and went for 2. (1 week away wasnt enough break from the fagdom which is worn on the sleeves of all of you vital remain headbanging buttdumplings.) So I have once again immaculately ventured onto this shitzine to let gaydian of dickness and takingthesausageupthenostril know that their days are numbered. I did my part now you two peas in a penis must show your manhood. By being men of your word and leaving this board foreverrrrrrrr. Takin...I'm sure the limb bizkit board will welcome you with open arms. You like chocolate starfish but not st anger? What a fucking hypocrite!!! AHAHAHAHAH. You call Limp dipshit heavy? What a fucking trendfag you are. Guardian of gayness has more respect from me than you and his leg is a fucking cheeto!!! Anyhow no need to reply to my rant....Just leave the board at once and step aside as my reign as message board mentor continues to teach the toddlers of tommorow what real fawking music is. Metallllllllllllllllllllica 4 life. \m/