tara is the shit. Who do YOU think deserves a good word?


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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I had quite a lengthy convo w/ tara on yahoo the other night. I learned that she's a helluva good person to talk to when you feel like you're nothin' but a total fuck up in the game of life. I bring this up b/c there's a hell of a lotta shit talking on this board and the thrax board about her looks - and how she should post more pics and so forth. I learned a lot about the person behind the pic, and I think we all could take the time to get to know ppl better on the board before we ask for stupid shit like half naked pics and posting how hot certain ppl are.

So, tara. Thanx for listenin'. I really appreciate it. I got respect for ya.

Let's all post about someone who earned our respect on the board. No matter the reason. Give 'em a holla. They deserve it.
Brood of Evil said:
Well to be sincere, I can't really think of someone from THIS forums, who I respect like that. There are a lof of cool and friendly people here, I must admit.

Yeah, I know. That's why I was so fuckin' surprised by it. I was like " HOLY SHIT! I now respect 3 ppl in the world!" :Spin:
GregadetH said:
I had quite a lengthy convo w/ tara on yahoo the other night. I learned that she's a helluva good person to talk to when you feel like you're nothin' but a total fuck up in the game of life. I bring this up b/c there's a hell of a lotta shit talking on this board and the thrax board about her looks - and how she should post more pics and so forth. I learned a lot about the person behind the pic, and I think we all could take the time to get to know ppl better on the board before we ask for stupid shit like half naked pics and posting how hot certain ppl are.

So, tara. Thanx for listenin'. I really appreciate it. I got respect for ya.

Let's all post about someone who earned our respect on the board. No matter the reason. Give 'em a holla. They deserve it.

Wow....well, thank you for talking to me! Sharing band stories was pretty cool.
Who on the 'thrax board has been talkin some smack???
i'd like to give a big shout-out to xenophobe for spending so much time and effort talking me out of killing myself. after reading the um chat forum for so long...I...I, I thought that there was nothing left in life to hope for.

thanks xeno.


was that you xeno?

oh hell, it wasn't was it? damn :yell:
Spike pwnz j00! :Smug:

But seriously, the greater majority of the people on these boards are exceptionally nice.... but as of yet, I haven't really noticed anyone who stands out head-and-shoulders above the pack, and I can't very well go giving kudos to everyone.

Though I wouldn't mind someone to talk to at the moment, help keep the pain off my mind... yet some how tara and I, for example, have managed to miss each other on consecutive occasions for over a month... If I didn't know any better I'd say she's just teasing me. :cry:
Spike said:
Spike pwnz j00! :Smug:

But seriously, the greater majority of the people on these boards are exceptionally nice.... but as of yet, I haven't really noticed anyone who stands out head-and-shoulders above the pack, and I can't very well go giving kudos to everyone.

Though I wouldn't mind someone to talk to at the moment, help keep the pain off my mind... yet some how tara and I, for example, have managed to miss each other on consecutive occasions for over a month... If I didn't know any better I'd say she's just teasing me. :cry:

I'm not teasin you....we just seem to be missing each other, that's all. :(

Hmm and this is kind of like the thread I made but oh well.
GregadetH: Thanks again for the kind words, bro!!!

One person on here that totally deserves a shoutout is my wonderful friend Demonic Rapture. He is...well...fucking AMAZING :blush: and is there for me when I need to bitch and cry about life in general.

There are a few other people who I need to say something about...

Black Dragon: He rules for his huge collection of snakes!!
bodomite: My brother in evil arms. A true br00tal warrior!!!
xenophobe: The master of armpit fucking

There is a lot of good in many of you !!!!!! DON'T EVER CHANGE!!!!!!!

( I feel like I was signing someone's senior yearbook or something )
I'm gonna say Thanatos, for not getting sucked into this... oh wait, wrong thread.

I'm actually gonna do that cliched thing of not mentioning anybody by name, because I wouldn't like to single anyone out. Chances are that if I've spoken to you on MSN, or through PMs, over the months, then I don't think you're all that bad. ;) And if I haven't then you're probably also not all that bad either, I just don't know it for myself yet. :p
I dont really talk to anyone from this forum more than from the posting so I cant say anybody in particular, but as ante said, you all deserve a good word... you are a nice and friendly bunch :)