What do you think the new layout will be?


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002

The time is drawing upon us.

There will probably be new fonts, colours, logos, pics...

Im hoping that the cover wont be like the first album, can you imagine being on a shitstain brown board?!


I wonder if Nevermore will pull a sabbath and just throw their name and album title on an album, hehe.
What d y think of a mixture between Guerillas artwork and the first Nevermore cover?
Like y watching this peacefull thing exactly and after a while y have Mr Bush appearing in 3d?
TRhis would be really hidden criticism :D
I go for purple!
and lots of water..
misty colours and twisting, freaky subjects, but yet..
in a Travis Smith and Nevermore way..
which can be pretty sick..or magical, you never know what you gonna get...
WOW!!! now i'm getting even more curious, damn!

xxx Iris xxx
(although i liked G-spott's cover, flower-power all the way ;) )
I think it'll be green and involve lots of money...yes money. Enemies of reality sounds like it could be about twisted businessmen who like to fuck the world over just so that they can get another olive shipped by same day air from italy. :lol: I still say green.