A matchmaking thread

@ethereal doing damn well here , how about you? got any suggestion of what to drink on new year? I´m going to a party were it´s s woman I wanna make my girl friend :Saint: so I can´t be "too" drunk yet I still I have to be drinking all the time coz I´ll be shit nervouse :erk:

@Hearse okok :yell: I take care of the samba girl, but it´s better if you come with me to Brasil in february :Saint: I can intoduce to a whole team with samba girls :lol:
@ Ante: I'f doing fan-diddly-tastic at this very moment, talking with very special people.
Don't know about drink suggestions, but I don't think you'll need it....just mention the magic 'O' word and you should be right in there :D

Oh, and can you put aside a samba girl or two for me? :D
But I stiiiiiiil haven´t foooound what I´ve beeeen loooooking fooooor :wave: :tickled: