a Mix to be bitchslapped sideways...


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
First off, I gotta say how apprehensive I was about posting this. Im very nervous posting things on here because there are so many people doing such amazing work here, and I am nothing but a jackass wannabe just trying to get better. Its an honor to be a part of a forum with so many awesome AE's. So up on the chopping block goes this mix:


Ok, so a couple months ago I recorded some tracks for the studio owner's band. I borrowed an old 5150 from a buddy of mine so we didnt have to use a crappy amp or amp sims. I dont think theres anything wrong with amp sims, but I really wanted to use a real amp on their record. It was an uphill battle with the guitarist (studio owner) to use the 5150 instead of his crate head. He wanted his sound, but I learned my lesson with that stuff the hard way! My recordings suffered by letting people use their crappy crate amps.

ANYWAY, so I got the 5150, & only had his crate cab to use btw. Hey, atleast it wasnt full crate on crate action! :loco:
Cab was mic'ed with a single sm57 on the best spot I could find on it. Lolzgreg (the guitar tone MASTER) shot me a text with some good amp settings, but the sound wasnt quite what the guitarist wanted for the record. We ended up using the TS model on his Pod X3 (because I dont have a real TS yet) then ran that into the amp and just tweaked from there.
Guitar was double tracked, then a third track doing to add the other parts he wanted to add.

The bass is actually the scratch bass track that was ran direct during the drum recording session, so the bass track is gonna be re-recorded with the bassist's ampeg rig soon.

The drums were mic'ed with low end audix drum mics except for the snare which was a 57. Kick was replaced and processed to hades and back. Snare is natural, but also processed. Since there were hats all over the snare track, I gated it pretty good. In this mix, the gate wasnt set exactly right because there are some soft snare hits that didnt get through. Im gonna have to make the soft hits on the same level with the louder hits.
Which means compression...which means I should have allready done that...which means im a dumbass. :kickass:

The toms are pretty much non-existent in this mix because i havent begun to work on them yet. I have a couple hrs sat night at the studio, so i wanted to get the guitars, kick and snare playing somewhat nice together.

All plugins used were stock Reaper plugs, except for Aptrigga for the kick.
The kick sample Im sure I got off here at some point. I think it was titled
"Badass Kick1".
Oh, and the mix had the Ferox plugin on the whole thing before rendered down to a wav. Then Ozone 4 dropped by to play in my little audio sandbox to help out with loudness. We made sandcastles and shit too.

Before I left the studio on sat night, I burned a cd to play in various things to make notes.

I think the mix sounds ok, but it could be alot better, I cant wait until this sat night when I can go back and take it out of "Rough Mix" status.

My question to the people that took time to listen to it is:

Do you think it is shaping up nicely?
Any good EQ suggestions for the gtrs?

Thanks for listening!! :headbang:
seems like the mix needs some work, The kick i feel should be cutting through the mix more, actually the drums sound a little dal and need to be brought to life,The bass sound pretty good where it is i think.

I feel the guitars sound rather weird idk what it is exactly maybe a little to much gain, there kind muddy and fuzzy to me.

But the mix isn't like horrible by any means just needs some tweaking to tones and tight mastering.
The songs pretty cool also.
On first listen, it seems there is no width to this recording. I realize there are in fact left and right guitars( i almost though it was mono at first), but the fact that there is a center guitar the entire time take away from any stereo width. Are there 3 guitars on this for the majority of it? L,C,R?

Also, all the drums seem to be panned to the center(or very close to it)
Thanks for listening dudes!

Brianhood- The Center gtr just plays on certain parts. So mainly its just 2 gtrs. I really gotta EQ the center gtr cause its really hard to decipher it from the other when they are all playing. Maybe I will make the gtr 100% L & R. They are only 80% now I believe. Hopefully that will add to the wideness. About the drums being center, yes the kick and snare are center. The toms are prob still center too because I havent begun to do anything to them yet.

I gotta be honest on the whole tom panning thing since we're talking about it. Even when I do pan toms, and have them ready to go, It still lacks in the "hey those panned toms really go across there nice" department. Any suggestions?

ChristopherJames99- I know what you mean about the kick. It should cut through more, youre right. It just always felt like it would get clicky when i tried to get more clarity to it, and I didnt want that. Any suggestion to add more definition to it without making it clicky?

I really appreciate you guys taking the time to listen and offer opinions!:headbang: