A musical revolution for me just this morning!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I finally heard Children of Bodom and found out what emo is!

Bodom wasn't as terrible as I expected, it could easily be lumped in with the whole "faggoth" thing but at least some of the guitarwork was interesting.

Then I heard a bunch of emo bands! FINALLY! . . . . That stuff is terrible. I mean not "eh, this shit isn't for me maybe someone could find some appeal in it," no. Objectively speaking, the 5 or 6 bands I saw videos for were flat out BAD MUSIC. Not to mention the fact that it was basically just poor renditions of 30 year old punk bands, sans real emotion and add mascara. Serious bunch of pussies. I was a little drunk and a lot stoned but still remember thinking "what do these choads do, sit around saying 'hey I'm a rockstar, we play guitars and shit let's write THE BIGGEST FUCKING PUSSY SONG EVAR!!!111111lolz.'"

So are there any emo bands that don't completely suck shit? This stuff is worse than nu-metal. Much worse.
oddly enough there were a bunch of emo kids going apeshit at the HOM show in Brooklyn a few months ago ... they were very emotional :)
I finally got to hear Children Of Bodom at the club about two weeks ago. I think the song was Follow The Reaper, it was FUCKING CLASS!

Emo, whichever way you look at it, is fag music for fag people. It has no redeeming features, other than serving as a method of deciding who should be exterminated when the revolution comes. It still annoys me how emo kids try and pretend to be rockers when they want to look cool, but when presented with real rock music and rock attitude they crumble and whine. Fuck them pussies.
Yeah, emo is shit, but so it Children of Bodom. I bet CoB likes emo, what with the lead singer wearing mascara.
I've said t before, but some people consider BoySetsFire to be emo. Personally, I'd consider them hardcore, because of the vocal style and the entire lyrical content having to do with politics and anti-government and bring-the-power-back-to-the-people and such. There's no whining, so I don't know whre this emo tag comes from. Probably some see the use of lots of clean vocals as emo. Don't know.
Some people will mistakenly put a band like These Arms Are Snakes into the emo category, but bands like that are more along the lines of progressive hardcore or something like that.