A must for all behind the desk!

Frank'nfurter said:
Big question: who is ment by the name "Sir Artur Conan Mixalot" in this book?
Any guess?
Maybe someone we all know? :D

I was wondering who it is as well.
I'm not too sure wether this whole book is pure fiction or just exaggerated truth. It's a good read though. Thanks for the pointer btw
Hammer Bart said:
I'm not too sure wether this whole book is pure fiction or just exaggerated truth.
it is neither bart, it's the actual facts as they happened... the names have been changed, that's all.
James Murphy said:
it is neither bart, it's the actual facts as they happened... the names have been changed, that's all.

Yeah well, not all documentaries ('cause that's what he calls his diary) are necessarily a 100% truthful. And they don't need to be as far as I'm concerned. But it can be a good marketing strategy to imply that everything really happened when it didn't, the 'documentary' Blair Witch Project comes to mind. Changing names in order to 'protect the innocent' is very thoughtful, but it also ensures nobody will be able to check if what you wrote ever occurred.

Even assuming it is true, then if adding a bit of flavour to the story makes people enjoy it more, then more power to uhhm... everyone.

With the mixerman diaries, even though most of the events may very well have happened pretty much as he tells them, I sometimes get the feeling that the characters are just too damn hilarious. That's why I feel it's probably a bit exaggerated. But the guy just knows how to tell a good story and that's what matters in the end.

I would actually be pretty surprised if the story somehow turns out to be pure fiction. But if that's the case, then I'd respect the author for fooling me :Spin:
bart, bart.... what i was trying to tell you my friend was not my opinion. infer what you will from that. ;)
James Murphy said:
bart, bart.... what i was trying to tell you my friend was not my opinion. infer what you will from that. ;)

Well, I stand corrected. I should have known better than to argue with the man.

p.s. Where's the 'smack forehead' smiley when you need it?
Frank'nfurter said:
Big question: who is ment by the name "Sir Artur Conan Mixalot" in this book?
Any guess?
Maybe someone we all know? :D


I'm pretty sure it's Tom Lord-Alge:


Unless someone else we all know want's to confess. Hehe.

I ordered the book like three weeks ago and it still hasn't shown up. I won't sleep soundly until I figure out who Bitch Slap is!
Moonlapse said:
I never get sick of the conversations with 'Dumb Ass'. If this is truly 100% non-fiction then I'm a little disheartened at heading down the audio engineering road :lol:

ha, yeah... but as crowded as that "road" is nowadays you have to expect there to be quite a few numbskulls to cross your path. i have no trouble with saying that of all the "audio engineers" i've met and worked with over the years only about 3 in 10 were really good at what they did. these days with the advent of affordable DAW's like Mbox, etc., it seems like everyone with $400 to blow and a subscription to EQ calls themselves and audio engineer and claims to have a "studio"... i.e., the aforementioned Mbox. so i suspect by now that ratio is even worse.. 1 in 10 or less. there are many smart, talented people in the field, i know a lot of them... but there is and always has been more than a fair share of dummies, perhaps more now than ever. so be prepared for them... lol.

my favorite story is the time the assisitant at the studio i had booked for some drum tracks spent the entire session trying to chat up the girl i had brought with me. :tickled: thankfully that particular ingrate was fired at the end of first day by the studio owner. :cool: