FUCK IT - I'm just gonna BUILD a desk.. Anyone else done it?

That desk is almost ideal for a low-tech solution, Dan.

What kind of screen stand do you have? I've been looking for one to mount a 42" TV onto, and just move it the hell away from my face.

Ermz, I just went the DIY route and knocked together a version of this. Exactly as you said, I wanted to get my monitor away from my face and also more in line with the face of the speakers to reduce reflections and interferance.

The speaker stands are next on my list. Going to be a bitch to build.
If I could just point out RE: Chris' design- the speaker stands should be going behind the desk, not to the side, otherwise you'll be loosing your equilateral triangle, hence your right speaker is likely going to be obstructed somwhat by your screen.
Also, I don't know about you, but I'm a OCD cunt, so having to look to the right/ sitting off center to the screen would give me all sorts of shits every day.

These issues and more are why I went for a small desk and everything else on stands. I do sit off side to the desk, but I have the rack unit to the otherside to kind of equal out any reflections I have off my desk top.
Thanks Dan. DIY stands eh. Wish I had some woodworking tools/knowledge!

My original intention was to use two racks, one of which Dan now has, in order to create even reflections in here, but unfortunately there isn't enough physical space in this room to house both racks and my PC case. You make do with what you have, but designing an asymmetric desk from the get-go may not be the best way to go about things.
Yeah to be honest my woodwork skills are horrible. I had to got my Dad to cut the wood to size (which he also had lying around for me to take), then I had to get my brother in law to help me screw it together as my Dad's drill was crap and I hadn't thought about counter sinking the screws to acheive a proper flush finish, which would in turn effect the balance of the stand. This is causing my concern for building my speaker stands also.
The speaker stands are next on my list. Going to be a bitch to build.

Not at all man, I just finished a set. I will post drawings and pictures once I fill them with sand and make sure they don't collapse ;) - so likely after Christmas. All in I have spent about $75 and 3 hours to build them. So much cheaper than anything on the market. They will weigh ~100lbs each (filled with sand) and have isolation spikes so they should be pretty solid.
Ok!!! I'm totally happy with this design! What do you guys think???


Heaps of space, 6U of rack space, more than enough for me and also DRAWS and a SLIDE out Keyboard & Mouse...

Any issues here???
Anyone done a design where the racks are angled toward you? That's largely what I really like about the Argosy Aura design.

When I sit to mix I want to feel encased, like I'm controlling a fucking galactic battleship.
Ok, made a "final" version if anyone needs it:


It's about 327,4cm at it's widest and can be easily made smaller by making the main surface and the display shelf shorter. Once again, use at your own risk, and make sure to double check the rack measures etc.

Download here:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1809705/Ermin's fucking galactic battleship - Jarkko Mattheiszen.skp
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1809705/Erm... battleship v2 plain - Jarkko Mattheiszen.skp (plain top without the 3u racks and display shelf)