I'm in the process of building a website right now for Mac's and Amp Modeling (among other things). I also want to have a downloads area for impulses and plug-in hosts (Mac only) and a section to show the new Mac Guitarists how to plug-in and play. I wanna do an "IDIOT'S GUIDE TO USING IMPULSES" FAQ page too. I'm tired of wading through hundreds of threads here and GuitarAmpModeling, etc., looking for impulses. Anyone have impulse collections to donate please do - site should be ready in a week or so. I currently have probably 1500+ but I'm trying to go through them to find GOOD ONES. What we need are TOP 10 or TOP 100 type collections to make available for download. This site I'm building is for pleasure only - just a small site, small forum, etc for Mac Guitarists (of course PC users are welcome too). I post a lot on GuitarAmpModeling and wanted a Mac Specific site for awhile now.