A new new tech Death Metal Band Actuallt worth listening to

Flen flyys

Sep 27, 2004
I recently discovered this band from italy called Gory Blister.Dont let the name fool you, this band is in vein with "Individual thought patterns" death and old at the gates. I just ordered there "Art bleeds" CD in the mail so i should get in a couple of weeks. You can download songs from there website and a video too, of AntiClimax. This is a must listen for death fans.


Everybody who likes anything technical has already heard Gory Blister. And if they haven't, they're fucking stupid.
Gory Blister aren't new, Demiurge is right. Although, they are probably new to the thread starter, and that's what he meant.

I would say take this discussion into my sticky topic.
Gory Blister are good. I have Art Bleeds, and I like it a lot. It sounds like mid-era Death, with a more technical edge - it has none of the pretentiousness of The Sound of Perseverence.