A new unicorn/foreigner esque song I did


Aug 12, 2003
Hey guys, hope you don't mind me posting this here- last time I posted something everyone seemed pretty cool with it. This has been in the pipeline for a couple of months now and has been mixed to the very best of my ability. Vocals were done by my long time co-conspirator Tim Blake (Static on UM) who's also a fan of Dan though probably not as gorging as me haha. It's part of our project The Plutonic Chronic. He also co-authored the lyrics and vocal melodies with me. I also need to give props to Jeff Dunne (DSS3 on UM) for basically re-doing the drum programming. The rest is my doing :p

Please let me know what you think!

and myspace, though the compression is awful on that site.
haha woow! You still listen to that song? I don't know why but that really amazes me somehow- just given how long ago that was I guess. I guess I will have to remix that at some point- I can barely listen to it cuz guitars were so muddy and it was so squashed as a whole. Cheers though!!:kickass:

Nephilim- yeah man, I know... I love Tim's voice. Wish I could sing even a 3rd that good haha