A Newbie's prespective of ProgPower


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Well, i have just gotten out of bed after some very much needed sleep, and my mind keeps going over this past weekend. Everytime i think about this week end it brings a smile to my face. This past weekend was the most awesome time I have ever had, ProgPower is not just a festival it is FAMILY and a way of life.

First you have Glenn who goes above and beyond to make it the greatest event in the world.

Second you have all the bands who come and give the shows of their lives, and i do mean great shows, thanks to all of them especially PYRAMAZE, FREAK KITCHEN, and MERCENARY.

And now to the part that really hits home, all my new friends, you guys and gals rule, thank you for taking me into your life and making me apart of your family. Special thanks to Hoyt(my metal Brother), LANCE KING and Family I was blown away by you and your family they are awesome it was like i had know them forever, LANCE i will never forget this weekend and you made it special, all the guys from PYRAMAZE(you guys are awesome), Yan, my brother, Dustin and al the guys from KATAGORYV, Bobby Williamson you slay brother, Drew Creel from Meyvn great meeting you finally and hanging stay metal my brother.

Last but not by any measure least just saving the best for last, COLLEEN, and her husband TODD, i love you guys you are the greatest, you made the weekend so frigging fun. GONZO and RACHEL, Love you two dearly, METAL I love love sweetie, and to you five I NEED A WHEELCHAIR(private joke). to my Little sister TAMMY, i miss you and love you, and to TODD, you kick ass brother, My friend AKI, you rule, and to DREW thanks for the cloudberry, i owe you brother you are awesome, to the breakfast club at the RI you made the mornings easy to endure, PAUL(PELLAZ) you rule my friend great hanging with you, and to all the others MILTON, PAULA, JUSTIN, and LARA you are awesome, and all the rest i forgot to mention by name i will never forget you guys and look so forward to next year and being with you guys and gals.:worship: :worship: :worship:


An honor and a pleasure to meet you as well. I think this was the year of making new friends and I think we all sure did that. I am only sad that we have to impatiently wait another year before we can all have our family reunion again. And Breakfast club!

Are we there yet?



p.s.......Freak Kitchen RULED!
It was great to finally meet you John! Even if I was pulling the acid trip during breakfast. I don't function well before my first cup of coffee, and I wasn't giving myself enough time to make the first cup before I headed down. Next year, I'll see if I can find a timer for the coffee-maker, or have a roommate who gets in shortly before I wake up. ;)
John, you Cheeky bastard! :kickass: First, what are you doing up so early? I'm still recuperating!

It was awesome to meet you, and everyone else at my PP7. This time was better than the last, and I hope they continue along that vein.

Now let's have fun (yeah, right) getting back to the mundane back in ole El Pisso. :cry:
metalsped said:
Hope you enjoy the hell out of that Brother Firetribe disc. :)
Brother you are so frigging awesome. I told my family what you did, and it brought a tear to their eyes, and they said and i quote" he did this and this was the first time you meet him?" my answer was it was the first time in person, but it was like i had know him forever.
Brother that disc is awesome:headbang: It's by far the best i got thisweekend, thanks for taking care of me I OWE YOU BIG TIME!!!!!:worship:
peacecat said:
John, you Cheeky bastard! :kickass: First, what are you doing up so early? I'm still recuperating!

It was awesome to meet you, and everyone else at my PP7. This time was better than the last, and I hope they continue along that vein.

Now let's have fun (yeah, right) getting back to the mundane back in ole El Pisso. :cry:
i will be recuperating allweek:headbang: :headbang: Hope to see you sometime this week. Give me a call if you get a chance, my number is in the book and you have my cell number.

Love ya Rach
Dude, I never got to meet you. I asked John(L9) and Aki several times about you and still never ran into you. Unless I did meet you, and the copious amounts of beer affected my memory...in that case, sorry.:zombie:
Was great to finally meet you John!! The hat rocks - thank you!!! I just wish we'd had more time to hang out - seems as though I hardly saw you at the show. We'll have to remedy that next time around ;)
As a newbie to the show as well, I have to say I'm impressed with the sheer ability to pull off the entire event, and pull it off WELL. Not many places can boast three nights of music to the level that appeared at PP.

Now, if I can just remember all the NAMES of the people I met, much less the BANDS!
It was my first too and I almost didn't come... To think all that I experienced would've never happened... Holy crap...

I met so many freakin' people, ran into and hang with a ton of peeps from home (Nick if ya see this ~ one word for ya ~ WEBSITE, hehehehe)... and I had a bitch of a time with names, saying them much less remembering them... hehehe
John, it was great hanging with you in the mornings.
The discs you recommended were spot on brother!

You are one cool dude.
I look forward to hanging with you again in the future.
It was nice to meet you in person after having chatted with you on irc, John..just wish I'd run into you earlier in the weekend! Glad you had a good time!