A Newbie's prespective of ProgPower

am_ash2 said:
Jeez John, I feel gyped (sp) in the "nice to meet you" department. Next year I'll really give you hell!
Opps, damn there were so many people i was bound to miss someone special Sorry Angela, you my friend are awesome and it was so much fun hanging with you and talking, and LINDA(rottingflesh) you also i could never forget you, your so kick-ass. love ya both.
John, it was a pleasure hanging out with the only other guy there who was older than me. :D

It was sadly appropriate that when it finally came time to leave the Residence Inn on Sunday, you and Tammy were seemingly the only PP folks left. Just makes that "it'll be a whole damn YEAR?" feeling that much more poignant. You rule. :headbang:
I must thank YOU, my dear sweetie, for bringing such a ray of light to this festival this year. Our trip began with a smile seeing you, and ended with an even bigger set of grins sharing the time with you. Much love and respect goes out to you, my friend. Would not have been nearly as much fun this year without your sweet spirit touching everyone who came in to contact with you. Can't wait to get some of those photos/mpegs from Sunday up and to you. :D The avatar is going to kick major petootie!!

Still think we need to move to Texas!!! :D
You and Todd made the festival for me also, no matter how bad my feet hurt or how tired i was evertime i saw you guys there was always a hug from both of you and all the problems went away. You have become part of me, a part that i cherish with all my heart, i will so miss you guys till i see you again, and YES move to TEXAS right away. Then all of us GONZO, RACHEL, TODD and COLLEEN any myself can be together to party. The five of us have to start making plans for next year, barring a big move for you guys to that country whose name begins with and "F". I love you guys.

It was my first year as well, and truly i have never met a nicer bunch of people to randomly chat with. ProgPower makes my life and I'm not sure if i can wait all the way till next year!
mtndewqueen88 said:
It was my first year as well, and truly i have never met a nicer bunch of people to randomly chat with. ProgPower makes my life and I'm not sure if i can wait all the way till next year!

Hey, I'll toss that girly tee in my WREKage CD duffel bag right now, so you can pick it up this coming Friday night if you want.

And I'm off to post about this in the Cheers thread. :)
MetalRose said:
OMG I just got that!

Lance, thanks for the shot of Jag!

You got to be sure and join us for the fun next year no matter what. Promise???:worship: :Smokin:
John, the only thing I can add to the accolades you have already received here is that you are the walking definition of what ProgPower is all about.

For those of you who don't know the story, let me tell you just how cool this man is... John called me the night before we were both arriving in Atlanta (Wednesday) with an offer to share his suite at the R.I. with both he and Tammy. Now, you have to realize that I only knew John from the chat room and this board for a brief time - maybe a month or so, so the mere fact that he would offer the opportunity to another newbie without knowing much if anything about me was mindboggling (I guess it finally helped being a fellow Texas resident.) :)

Anyway, to keep this long story as short as possible, thanks to John, it made assimilating into the PP crowd much easier than it would have been had I gone solo at the Marriott. He introduced me to so many of you and I only regret that I had to work so much to prepare for a business trip in the hotel that I couldn't be around more in the off hours.

I am finally back home in Dallas as of 11:30 PM last night, and this is really the first moment that I've had a chance to reflect on the events of a week ago. I learned exactly what I hoped I would learn: ProgPower USA is truly a fantastic event with fantastic people! You can bet that you will see me in Atlanta next year!!! :headbang:
Coldfire Mouse said:

An honor and a pleasure to meet you as well. I think this was the year of making new friends and I think we all sure did that. I am only sad that we have to impatiently wait another year before we can all have our family reunion again. And Breakfast club!

Are we there yet?



p.s.......Freak Kitchen RULED!

Hey Coldie, it was brief but memorable!!

So just keep it up missy and we'll make it to Progpower VIII!!! HAHA :headbang: :lol: